Last seen: Mar 31, 2025
The series' focus has shifted eastwards so it's unlikely that the events of the anime (all the way at the extreme northwest end of the continent, abou...
If I was going to gripe about a segment of the game, it would be Intermission more than Act 3. The former felt like it went on forever and while it ha...
Yeah, I was on floofy's stream as she was watching the updates in realtime and the entire chat was nerding out over the Ys X info. It feels like Falco...
@JumpyJunpei Aaaaand main story is finally done. Offhand I think this game took me the longest of any Trails game to finish, partially because I had a...
Most of the breadcrumbs regarding the main antagonist (or rather what they represent) comes up in The 3rd rather than Zero itself, until you get to th...
I've found a comment from floofy regarding where that came from (a Dengeki interview shortly after the game's release) but I'll need to go digging thr...
I haven't finished Intermission yet but I did get to a certain moment which I'm sure you can guess. EDIT: Okay, now I've finished Intermission, so f...
Impressions continuing on through the early Intermission and these might be a bit out of order since it's easier to talk about some things at the same...
Okay, finished I-A so a few preliminary thoughts, which are going to be more barebones than otherwise because of the gap between starting and finishin...
I can totally feel that, I'm in Internet Hermit Mode right now when it come to Falcom because I'm still playing through Kuro II (or really, starting b...
Haven't gotten there in-game yet but the Steam version makes digging onto the script really easy so I can confirm that while the Bruh Moment is gone, ...
I haven't been updating the progress bars for a while but I am still working on it and the numbers are off because I've been doing a few things in a m...
I will be, but for Real World Reasons I've only been able to play a very small part of the game so far (up to part of 1A*) and won't be able to really...
Right down to the wire this year but I finally finished my predictions. Hard to believe it's going to be out in less than a day. xD
Not really, it's basically a series of clips of her appearances to date with some text commentary. It does remind the viewer that her appearance isn't...