Last seen: Oct 31, 2021
@Yotaka, I don't intent to read anything deep into it either. The similarity I wanted to point out is more stark than your examples though. Summoning ...
Yes, Fie mentions a bear-like guy in Zephyr, so another character interaction that has me hyped up. About the trailer, the girl in a box and the way L...
@Hellseye47 I guess I didn't make it clear enough, but I never wanted to dismiss the other traits, but to merely add something so it fits better wit...
I merely used the search word 'Shiva', without the darkness. And an Indian tourism website isn't exactly a legitimate source. The Wikipedia article ...
Well, the Orion sisters are double mirage. Whether that makes them scary is another matter, but the potential you describe is frightening. I did som...
Yes I've played CS4. But to limit the discussion to CS3 This isn't just about personality traits, but dominant ones. Things like doubt, bein...
This is pretty good. Until now I only tried to see how their Crafts fitted with their elemental restrictions, but this seems like a nice angle. Only...
Okay, this one is actually kind of a hard nut to crack. I see two ways how it might work, but as you already suspected, the words can't all remain in ...
About the 風林火山, the romanization is Furinkazan. I think I encountered it the first time in 'Prince of Tennis' of all things, when one of the older pla...
Given the context of when 龍來 was mentioned and the usage of furigana which seems to denote the Chinese pronunciation (correct me, if I'm wrong, Yotaka...
Okay, finally have some time to toss in my own two cents. Tu quoque, fili. I read Caesar's "Commentarii de Bello Gallico", but I can't remember ever...
There can never be enough Crack. And the identity/true nature of the Grandmaster is like the Holy Grail of Kiseki Crack. Squared craziness is to be ex...
@andi598d I can't give you the Japanese perspective, but I can at least talk about the 'Kanjis' a bit. In Chinese the 碧 from Ao is a color hue somew...
All that talk about the Ao no Kiseki endgame spoiler and the crack theory makes me want to take a stab at the whole issue, too. A word of warning, thi...
Because of all the Eight Leaves One Blade talk there's one thing I always wanted to ask. How is the title of Divine Blade written in Japanese? Does it...