Last seen: Sep 12, 2023
Obviously can't remark on the 4th game, but yeah Cold Steel overall had problems properly building up and sticking the landing on a lot of points. Tho...
I have heard that even those that have preordered through the NISA site have not had their order shipped yet, so there could be a chance that Amazon o...
I've never been hard on translations. I remember when Persona 5 came out there was a lot of flak and a website that went in on various lines they felt...
I was a little worried the localization was going to be rougher. I know there was less than a year between CS I and CS II but those games were overall...
I wasn't too hard on the constant saving in CS II, for the most part. End game it did start to get a bit ridiculous. My biggest gripes were how pretty...
I saw somewhere else someone had said Laura's and Osborne's VA were different. Out of curiosity, where did you find out about this? The amount of stuf...
I guess on an objective Base, Estelle isn't terrible or great in battle. That said, whenever I play she almost never misses compared to Josh, the spee...
Not sure if we will get more a few weeks leading up to release, but surprised with the lack of any marketing stuff since the last time I posted in thi...
My problem with fanservice (as far as the horny type goes), is less with how creepy it can be (which it can be a lot of times), but more with how out ...
Glad everyone here playing the game has been enjoying it. I have a question about two particular characters if they are playable. I remember there was...
My Steam name funnily enough has fox in it, but that is not my username. I only posted once or twice before in the CS II section when CS III for PS4 h...
I don't know much about the broader community since my main experience has been this forum, Xseed, and for a little bit Steam. Had to step away from s...
No idea what exactly the battle system could be like with that description, seems like it could go in many directions. As time went on with Cold Steel...
For me, her saying "Are you an Adatuwere" was what really got me. That whole little opening scene was just really well done and everytime I replay the...
Saw a little GIF of an after battle part with some of the Crossbell characters. They were focusing on Rixia but I was too ditracted by the snack that ...