
Ys thread
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Ys thread

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Posts: 58
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I noticed there was no Ys thread so I'm adding one


To start off what regions/historical areas would you like Adol to visit? I think Mycenaean Greece would be interesting since we know very little about what caused the collapse of that civilization and there are lots of theories such as the arrival of the Sea Peoples.


Of course after Ys IX I'm really interested in learning more about Romun too.

Posted : 22/09/2020 9:34 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin

Welcome to the community!

Let's see... I've wanted to see Romn for a long time and pretty much every game of late has done something to make me want it more but I have a feeling they're going to sit on that for a while longer. Likewise I figure that if they ever give the franchise a chronological finale, it will probably involve the Atlas Continent rising from the sea.

For other potential adventures, I'm about equally divided between Adol's explorations into Afroca and Orietta for what I'm most excited about. We know he's going both ways at some point; as an added bonus for Afroca, that could give Falcom a good excuse to bring back a few characters I liked from VIII who were last seen heading in that direction. Falcom could do all sorts of stuff with the different civilizations; Great Zimbabwe, Aksum, anything from the 'golden age' of West African states...

Likewise Orietta could be a whole bunch of games worth of content since that's, well, everything eastwards. The region corresponding to Mesopotamia itself would be a great setting, or an Ys version of Achaemenid Persia. A timeframe hazy enough to have the Hundred Years' War predate the Roman Empire is flexible enough to fit either. Or they could do an Ys version of the Abbasid Caliphate, which could be lots of fun too. Actually that's probably not mutually exclusive given the flexibility they've shown in other things. One of the old Ys sidestory novels actually crossed a few of those elements together. I don't recall anything definitive that's been stated about the region (unless there's random dialogue from Salady that I missed or am forgetting) so it's open to possibilities. And that's not even counting everything Ys could do with India or everything in east Asia.

Posted : 23/09/2020 5:18 pm
Posts: 58
Topic starter

Incidentally, Kondo was interviewed by a French website Interview

He says they're working on the next Ys and it'll be brand new material for the series in terms of content. So... Ys X next? It would make sense with the anniversary of their founding in 2021.

Posted : 01/10/2020 7:25 am
Posts: 249

Very happy and surprised to get my copy (in the UK) of Ys IX today! Couldn't find it on Amazon(!), so I had to resort to some site I'd never heard of. Would've liked to play this on PS5 for the performance enhancements, but they're like gold dust at the moment.

Only thing I'm unsure of right now is if there's a Day 1 patch coming on the actual release and I should wait.

This post was modified 4 years ago by JumpyJunpei
Posted : 30/01/2021 10:25 pm
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor

NISA has confirmed that the first patch (1.0.1) will fix the crashing issues with PS5. I don't know if it will be ready at launch though.

Posted : 31/01/2021 2:02 am
Posts: 249

Barely 5 minutes into the game and


Someone has uttered the word "curse." Falcom, pls, I'm all cursed out.

Also, very good question Ms. Interrogator, how DO you keep losing these legendary artifacts, Adol?

I rather appreciate Falcom poking a little fun at themselves there.

This post was modified 4 years ago by JumpyJunpei
Posted : 31/01/2021 2:16 am
Posts: 128

There's also the games poking fun at Adols tendency to shipwreck.

This christmas, I also jumped at the Ys bandwagon, though I skipped Ys V. Currently waiting for VIII and IX to arrive.

Posted : 31/01/2021 7:46 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin

I saw that floofy got her copy and was hoping maybe mine would arrive soon as well, but I'm still waiting. Oh well.

Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

Barely 5 minutes into the game and


Someone has uttered the word "curse." Falcom, pls, I'm all cursed out.

Also, very good question Ms. Interrogator, how DO you keep losing these legendary artifacts, Adol?

I rather appreciate Falcom poking a little fun at themselves there.

Ingrid is so amazing. xD She needs to show up in future games, do you hear me Falcom? For bonus points on your comment, the prologue novella has him losing yet another artifact.

Loosely related, I've been jamming out a bunch of Ys IX entries for the Falcom Glossary so they'll be out there and I can easily go in and add the official localizations once my copy arrives. Just need to finish up the Larva/Lemures and some minor entries still. Thanks again @Wuolong77 for those Latin translations, I credited you on that page.

Posted : 01/02/2021 7:54 am
Posts: 249

Oh, what's this novella about? I assume the artifact in question is from his previous adventure which, if I've got my timeline right, would be Ys VII.

Posted : 01/02/2021 10:39 am
Posts: 128
Posted by: @yotaka

Loosely related, I've been jamming out a bunch of Ys IX entries for the Falcom Glossary so they'll be out there and I can easily go in and add the official localizations once my copy arrives. Just need to finish up the Larva/Lemures and some minor entries still. Thanks again @Wuolong77 for those Latin translations, I credited you on that page.

Thanks a bunch.

Now that I'm actually going to play the title, it will be interesting to see what the translation was actually about. Unfortunately work is starting to get into high gear, so it might take a while for me to reach IX. There's still Ys VIII to finish first and I only heard good things about the game.

Posted : 01/02/2021 6:12 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

Oh, what's this novella about? I assume the artifact in question is from his previous adventure which, if I've got my timeline right, would be Ys VII.

 Yeah, Adol manages to misplace the Caliocerion from VII. I think at this rate he's maybe 50/50 on not losing priceless swords, though a couple are up in the air.

Also, one thing from very early in the game that floofy pointed out to me which is very cute but doesn't translate into English: The prisoner number Adol is assigned is a bit of wordplay in Japanese. 217 can be read as Fu-I-Na, aka Feena. xD

Posted by: @wuolong77

Unfortunately work is starting to get into high gear, so it might take a while for me to reach IX. There's still Ys VIII to finish first and I only heard good things about the game.


Both VIII and IX are really good so I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it. I wasn't a huge fan of the party system in VII/Celceta (compared to the Napishtim engine trio) but VIII quickly became one of my favorite games in the series in spite of that initial reservation.

Posted : 01/02/2021 6:36 pm
Posts: 128
Posted by: @yotaka


Also, one thing from very early in the game that floofy pointed out to me which is very cute but doesn't translate into English: The prisoner number Adol is assigned is a bit of wordplay in Japanese. 217 can be read as Fu-I-Na, aka Feena. xD

So AdolxFeena is still being pushed as the OTP. I can't help but remember that glimpse into Adol's travel diary in Celceta.

Both VIII and IX are really good so I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it. I wasn't a huge fan of the party system in VII/Celceta (compared to the Napishtim engine trio) but VIII quickly became one of my favorite games in the series in spite of that initial reservation.

It's funny that you mention Ys VII and Celceta. Ys VII was my first foray into the series and it was also the game that gave me the (mistaken) assumption that the series wasn't for me. It was an okay ARPG, but the party system felt clunky and there was just something about the story that didn't click with me.

Celceta on the other hand is the game that convinced me (after I played through I&II and Felgana) to stay with the series ironically enough. I think what cinched it was my changed impression of Adol. I don't like silent protagonists and while I understood the plot twists in VII on a cerebral level, they never hit home because Adol struck me as nothing but a self-insert character.

In Celceta I could finally dig into his headspace. I mean, it's nothing worldshaking. Adol is a pretty simple man, but the game conveyed his inborn and almost childlike curiosity well enough for me to recognize him as his own person. And thinking about it, heroes like him have become something of a rarity in modern entertainment with its saturation of the fantasy genre. As someone who carries an unvarnished sense of wonder inside him, Adol is truly a character from another era of gaming.

Posted : 01/02/2021 9:14 pm
Posts: 249

Well, the game's already thrown me for a loop


Chapter 2&3
Two Adols?! Boats the world over are creaking in fear. I was a little suspicious when Parks mentioned a young man still in the prison and something about not knowing what he looks like. Then there's Dogi's reaction when he first meets up with Adol, post jailbreak. Colour me intrigued.

Vagullion popping up as a boss fight was a fun throwback. It's been a minute since I played 1&2, but doesn't he have a reputation for being a bit of a ball buster?

Posted : 02/02/2021 1:06 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin

And yes, the boss does indeed have that reputation.

Posted : 02/02/2021 10:05 pm
Posts: 249

Cloaca Maxima is a hell of a name for a dungeon lol. Or anything, really. I was wondering what on earth I'd come across in there. Good track, though!

Chapter 4

Just posting this, so I can be smugly self-satisfied later: I don't trust Parks one bit! Oh, he just happens to know some assassin girl is locked up in the clink? But just laughs off any inquiries as to why he's so in know? And as if that wasn't bad enough, he's an NPC wearing glasses in a Falcom game. Glasses that have that "evil anime white tint" on them in some in-game art. I'll just give Kevin a call.

I will say, I find the Grimwald Noxes to be a little overwhelming in terms of visual noise. With so many enemies and allies on screen, I start losing track of what's going on sometimes. That said, I've managed to maintain S ranks so far (aside from the full moon one), so I guess it's not tripping me up too badly.

No real theories yet on what the deal with other Adol could be. At first I was thinking some kind of dream or Dana situation, but the aforementioned assassin girl rescue quite firmly put the kibosh on that. Plus I doubt they'd reuse that idea again, anyway.

Posted : 04/02/2021 6:19 pm
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