
Kuro no Kiseki
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Kuro no Kiseki

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Falcom Romantic Admin
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There's a (small) screenshot showing off the extras that come with the Spriggan Edition of the game. The OST Mini shows the initial four characters ordering at a restaurant somewhere that's probably going to be somewhat significant. The artbook shows part of a map of Paris Edith and some of its sights and the character file shows, of all things, a sister of the Gralsritter named something (ending in s) Ortesia.

Posted : 04/07/2021 11:59 pm
Posts: 128

That restaurant picture is all kinds of wholesome. The coziness reminds me of the SSS, though I'm wondering whether this new gang will gel as well as Lloyd & co. And that sister looks like a female Agate with different eye color on first glance. She certainly is the first sister who wears short sleeves, though this seems only like one possible design.  

Posted : 05/07/2021 5:21 pm
Posts: 58

Hi everyone~ haven't posted on this board in ages orz.

Falcom revealed a new (well we knew them all already) set of characters including Hime's name.

Which turns out to be Shizuna Rem Misurugi. 

Brb tearing my hair out as Nayuta Conspiracy Theorist #1 

Posted : 08/07/2021 6:48 am
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Falcom Romantic Admin
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Posted by: @sinjitsu_itiro

Brb tearing my hair out as Nayuta Conspiracy Theorist #1 

LOL, that was my first thought too, followed closely by 'Say, wasn't Mysterious Girl from Tokyo Xanadu named Rem?'. And followed after that by 'Wait, someone belonging to a group called Ikaruga has the last name Misurugi, someone at Falcom has watched Cross Ange, haven't they?'. xD

Another interesting takeaway is that Shizuna is identified by a Divine Blade title with the implication that it's based on being a master of the Black God One Blade, so it's possible that Yun Ka-fai got the idea from there. Though given Hajimari there's no reason it can't also be an ELOB title... and the link between the styles is openly teased.

Also, Taito is identified as one of the three great Eastern styles so it appears that we know all three now: Taito, Kunlun and Aaron's Gekka/Yuehua (depending on whether Falcom gives it furigana for a Chinese reading a la Heiyue).

We get a bit more about Zin's status in the guild; he apparently was recommended for promotion to S-rank shortly after the ceasefire was declared and he asked for a temporary deferment, hence being identified as 'quasi S-rank'.

Also, Fie is now canonically B-rank.

Posted : 08/07/2021 4:21 pm
Posts: 58

@yotaka I've actually been kind of expecting them to introduce a character named 黒羽 or something (Creha in kanji) so was more than a little surprised to see Rem before the game is even out.

(Although the Ikaruga emblem has black wings, I guess)

They have at least watched Code Geass and probably lots of Gundam if Sen is any guide!

If Tokyo Xanadu is in the mix then anything goes w

Posted : 08/07/2021 4:56 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
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Posted by: @sinjitsu_itiro

They have at least watched Code Geass and probably lots of Gundam if Sen is any guide!

Oh, I know that people on the staff have definitely watched a lot of mecha anime, I've got a whole list of the references they've made so far and it includes a whole bunch of Evangelion (the drafting for Howling Heavens even has a note reading 'like the Lance of Longinus), Gravion, Guyver, L-Gaim, Layzner... and then there was Mecha Mishy with his Mazinger-inspired Rocket Punch. So yeah, there are some huge mecha nerds at Falcom. xD

If Tokyo Xanadu is in the mix then anything goes w

The combination of Tokyo Xanadu and Magical Alisa RS is a continuity black hole of epic proportions, don't think too hard about it or it might turn your brain inside-out. 😉 

EDIT: Oh yes, as @hellseye47 noted over at Gamefaqs, the art cards that were teased for Chara-Ani's shop bonus show three characters who are recognizably our major characters, suggesting that the odd one out is Judith doing whatever her 'other' job is. Also from those images we can see some other members of Marduk in Risette's art and some more members of Feri's jaeger group (and maybe family as well) in hers. And the Sofmap art looks to be introducing a pair of characters who will probably be somewhat important seeing how they take up most of the shot. It looks like they're in Tharbad based on the background.

Oh, and the update also included adding Ikaruga to the Keywords page with their logo, though it doesn't give us much new information that wasn't also covered in Hajimari or in Shizuna's profile.

Posted : 08/07/2021 5:23 pm
Posts: 249

So I guess Judith moonlights as some kind of superhero or cat burglar! Also, does it look like the Jaeger in the far back of the Feri artwork has a Berserker-style rifle? Could just be a big assault rifle, I guess.

Posted : 08/07/2021 10:38 pm
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Falcom Romantic Admin
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It's definitely a big rifle of some sort and since Feri has a hybrid weapon and those seem to be really popular with jaegers it wouldn't shock me if that thing has a melee mode too. Maybe if we had a higher resolution version of the image it would be more obvious, but given the lighting and angle I'm not sure that would help much and we'll need to wait for the character's formal introduction.

Posted : 08/07/2021 11:05 pm
Posts: 249

So now we know that Van does indeed turn into that big Tokusatsu guy and it's thanks to Mare, I guess we can assume that little fairy girl in the key art is probably her. Especially since she can manifest herself outside the orbment. Speaking of which, boy orbments sure are getting wild. Remember those simpler times when they just slung spells for you? I guess after Rean every new protag just has to have a super special mode now...Although if it's a function of the Xipha, maybe we'll have a full party transformation bonanza. Could be what that weird Judith/masked lady thing is all about.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by JumpyJunpei
Posted : 19/07/2021 9:50 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
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Nuts, I was really hoping it would be something completely separate from Van a la a Stand, both for the obvious joke and because that would have been like Spirit Magic again. Oh well. And yeah, I'm thinking that a party-wide system could be the case, although we're also told that Mare is exclusive to Van so it might be that the transformation is limited to him, unless other Hollow Cores are also character-locked. If so I'd hope that things like Judith's apparent alter-ego are also gameplay mechanics even if they don't have the same story explanation, because having two arcs in a row with a protagonist with an exclusive special mode would be... kind of annoying. Even if in Van's case it might be experimental technology rather than something innate.

Also, Falcom, I see what you did there with the descriptive term you gave for Grendel...

Oh yeah, the other big news to come out of the early leak is that we now have a name and age for the Golden Butterfly, Lucrezia Isle or somesuch, 29.

Posted : 19/07/2021 3:25 pm
Posts: 58

Hmm I was thinking it was more of a unique power connected with this season's (lol) Septerrion.. if it's all the characters that's a little too close to Persona 5 (and also I can't imagine Bergard having a sparkly transformation sequence...) For the time being I'm assuming Mare is installed in a Lost Art-related quartz that's been retrofitted to be compatible with modern orbments.

Incidentally Bergard's last name Zeman means 'time' in a few languages. (In Hebrew it's pronounced zman and it's 'zaman' in some languages that borrowed it via Arabic.)

Posted : 20/07/2021 7:58 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
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A decently clear scan of this week's Famitsu just came out (and as I went to grab the link I see that additional images are starting to leak) so we've got official romanizations for those names. Walter's last name is Kron and the Golden Butterfly is Lucrezia Isselee. The latter apparently fights with something called a 'Dusk Glaive' and interestingly, Walter seems to have some connection to Van's father or mother; he talks about being in Arkride-sensei's debt for a previous matter, which is gender neutral and could apply to a lot of professions.

EDIT: Okay, there's also shots of Mare, Grendel and two new locations. One's a village called Creil (can't see the katakana in the shot but I'd guess it's クレイユ since that's a real place) and the other is Longlai.

EDIT 2: And I was right, Gu4n for the win.

Posted by: @sinjitsu_itiro

Incidentally Bergard's last name Zeman means 'time' in a few languages. (In Hebrew it's pronounced zman and it's 'zaman' in some languages that borrowed it via Arabic.)

Ooooh, that's cool.

Posted : 20/07/2021 3:33 pm
Posts: 249

One of the screenshots seems to show Mare saying something about Mk 0004 or some such? So, if she's maybe the 4th model, then perhaps there really will be others for the rest of the team. What's the betting Gramhart has one of his own. I can picture the final showdown already!

Posted : 20/07/2021 5:28 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
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The Legend of Heroes: Super Sentai no Kiseki

Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

One of the screenshots seems to show Mare saying something about Mk 0004 or some such? So, if she's maybe the 4th model, then perhaps there really will be others for the rest of the team.

Yeah, the scan's just good enough to make out the line. "I'm a custom Hollow with special and marvelous specs. MK-ESV004 'Mare'." Just the way she says that puts me in mind of Syl from Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive, the fact that she's connected to something called a Shard is just a bonus.

Since Epstein isn't involved with the XIPHA, we don't have an obvious explanation for the 'ESV' but it could be something like Experimental/Ether Shard (whatever), perhaps? Her character quote does confirm my suspicion that Grendel is associated with the Shard System and it's also gloriously cheesy.

Posted : 20/07/2021 6:41 pm
Posts: 48
Just a cold piece of steel

New Web Commercial:

New Gematsu Article regarding the recent new information:

Copying something I wrote elsewhere:

"By the way, for anyone concerned with spoilers, the teaser shows off a few returning characters that were also shown previously, some new antagonists and side characters, and what I assume are very minor early-game details. I don't think there are any big plot spoilers in the trailer, but until the game releases it's not really possible to know how revealing anything shown here really is. The most spoiler-y thing is probably showing off some of the antagonists, but I assume the game's opening will likely show the same thing, so....

In my opinion if you're fine knowing basic details about the characters appearing and the general premise then this teaser is probably fine to watch."

Posted : 21/07/2021 7:31 am
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