
Kuro no Kiseki
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Kuro no Kiseki

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Falcom Romantic Admin
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So, when I wasn't looking there was an update to Van and Agnes' character pages showing off some of their Crafts in the Command Battle system. This includes a bare-bones description of what they do (lacking in the first footage) so we get a bit more of an idea what we're gonna be working with. Both of Van's Crafts have the Impede effect and something new called Flanking, which I'm guessing means they do more damage when hitting an enemy from the sides. Coin Bullet has much greater range than Stun Slash but a narrower cone, and both use the same graphic to display their AoE so that's clearly just a generalization of the effect area. Agnes' Etoile Ray is line-targeting and can inflict ATS Down and White Heal is... a healing move, and appears to be centered on Agnes.

Now to wait for similar footage for Feri and Aaron...

Posted : 20/04/2021 10:50 pm
Posts: 249

I was wondering what on earth Coin Bullet was, back when we got some craft names and...well, I wasn't expecting it to be quite so literal! Van, just please don't traumatize Rean and use 50 mira every time you do that. Thinking about it, it'd be pretty funny if it actually cost mira to use.

Posted : 21/04/2021 8:59 am
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor

I wasn't expecting them to literally copy index. Oh wait, it's Falcom. I was.

Posted : 21/04/2021 1:15 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
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Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

I was wondering what on earth Coin Bullet was, back when we got some craft names and...well, I wasn't expecting it to be quite so literal! Van, just please don't traumatize Rean and use 50 mira every time you do that. Thinking about it, it'd be pretty funny if it actually cost mira to use.

Based on the name, I'm not surprised Van's literally throwing money at the problem until it goes away. And yeah, it would be funny if it cost mira or had scaling damage based on your finances, a la Final Fantasy's Gil Toss (and other names thereof).

Posted by: @hellseye47

I wasn't expecting them to literally copy index. Oh wait, it's Falcom. I was.

I was thinking Mistborn myself, where one of the powers of allomancy is to shoot coins at lethal velocity. Add that to the Brandon/Kondo Spooky ARCUS Crosslink list. xD

Posted : 21/04/2021 7:05 pm
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor

I forgot about Mistborn. It did get a japanese release so maybe.

Posted : 22/04/2021 12:32 pm
Posts: 128
Posted by: @yotaka
I was thinking Mistborn myself, where one of the powers of allomancy is to shoot coins at lethal velocity. Add that to the Brandon/Kondo Spooky ARCUS Crosslink list. xD

Considering all the other parallels, I'm still surprised Falcom never depicted the Divine Knights or the Septerrion of Steel of being able to, well, manipulate steel. Just imagine a Septerrion-scale allomancer in a nation that is famed for it's steel processing.

Posted : 22/04/2021 4:10 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
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Posted by: @hellseye47

I forgot about Mistborn. It did get a japanese release so maybe.

It did and I've got a copy of all the Japanese translations of his works, because I'm a turbo-nerd. Sadly it seems to have ended with Way of Kings, and Warbreaker was skipped over in the process. I wanted to see how they were going to localize Wayne's dialogue...

Posted by: @wuolong77

Just imagine a Septerrion-scale allomancer in a nation that is famed for it's steel processing.

This is putting me in mind of some of the hypotheticals I've seen discussed like 'Can you steelpush a planet out of its orbit with enough power and a proper anchor?'. If you gave something with the power of a dual Sept-Terrion allomancy, it would make what we see in the end of Bands of Mourning look like a playground scuffle in comparison. xD

Posted : 22/04/2021 6:35 pm
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor

Man Kuro is tough. Idk if I want to support Naka(ma) or boat theory?

Posted : 23/04/2021 1:46 pm
Posts: 48
Just a cold piece of steel

There are some recently translated leaks. The information is still coming out, but to list the info so far. All are translations (of the recent leaks) from Hansuke's Twitter:


"New characters
Rizet Twining
Age 20

-Conservator for Inspector Merdic's company, cool beauty in maid's outfit
Superhumanly strong

・Katoru Salicion
15 years old, researcher
-Looks like a young girl.
Has an AI drone that looks like Casshern's dog (no name)"


Lysette Twining.
Weapon: Pistol & Blade Gear

Katoru Salicion

Looks like a girl, but is a boy. He gets angry when people mistake him for someone else.

Loves LaToya Hamilton like a grandmother.

He has an AIBOAI drone that looks like Cassian's dog."


"Forgot the boy weapons:

Weapons Pulse Guns & Guided Drones"


"The full story of the Verne company will be revealed.


Still nice and foldable.

Hollow Core Status-up system

Arts Drive Arts system

Line Shard skills based on the numerical value of the total number of Quarts extended to Weapon, Shield, Drive, and (EXTRA)."


"Clarifications on Xipha description:

It is foldable, but the top slides like a PSPGO.

Navi Voice: Tells you when you switch from Action/Field battle to Command battle mode and the enemy weakness."


"The hardware and cast remains undecided.

Opinions: I'm afraid that if that area becomes too clear, the release will be in September when there are many new releases(Tales of Arise and Lost Judgment)."


"Also the opinions are from the leaker.

Sorry for the confusion on this line."


There is also

Hajimari Minor Spoiler
an amazing senior
from the Kingdom of Liberl coming
Hajimari Minor Spoiler
(Renne Bright)

He also plays a female role in the opera."


"Famitsu scans of Kuro No Kiseki section pages will be shown real soon.

My apologies for any grammar errors on the thread and added additions to it. Let me know if you need clarification."




That's all so far. I believe "cast" in the "hardware and cast" Tweet refers to voice cast, btw.




"Update summary recap:

20 years old.

Weapons: Pistols & Gear Knives

The receptionist of the Meldick(?) Police Department who is a cool beauty that acts like a maid. The clothes are more casual, but she give off a impression of a strong person."


A 15-year-old researcher.

Weapons: Pulse Gun & Guided Drone

A teenager who looks like a girl(wearing shorts) is often mistaken for his gender, and it upsets him greatly.

He admired Latoya Hamilton like a grandmother figure.

With AIBOAI canine robot."



Evolved into a slide-folding type device (acts like PSPGO).

Has a hollow core:state boost system and Artes drive/Artes system

You can launch the corresponding shard skills according to the total value of Quartz that extend to Weapons, Shield, Drive, and EXTRA/loop?"


"Full backstory of the Verne Company will be revealed in Kuro No Kiseki.

The hardware and cast(seiyuu) remains undecided."


"Thank you for bearing with me of seeing the info at its close to accurate form. I hope this is enough to clear up the confusion before the release of accurate translations from Gematsu and others soon with Famitsu scans.

Thank you."


Posted : 12/05/2021 6:48 am
Posts: 48
Just a cold piece of steel

New Tweet with image in source:

"Blurry images of the two characters in Kuro No Kiseki.

Lisette/Risette in maid outfit.

Quatre and his AI companion canine."


Posted : 12/05/2021 9:13 am
Posts: 249

Thread theme


The question is, will this robo pooch be as good a boy as Blade Wolf?

Posted : 12/05/2021 1:43 pm
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor

I'm pretty sure I'm all in on the Quatre is the same Quatre from Star Door 15 theory. The kanji is the same, the age fits, and like Renne he's mentally linked to an AI. 

Posted : 12/05/2021 2:08 pm
Posts: 249

Interesting to see an MTSC logo on Risette's outfit. Little strange for a, presumably, super secret group to advertise like that. Also, she has something of a robotic look to her. Another android, maybe?

Posted : 12/05/2021 4:16 pm
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor


They apparently are not a secret group. They are a private military contractor based out of Ored that seemingly specializes in technology for military application. It's likely that they were a subcontractor on the development on the Xipha because its through them that Van (as a tester) gets his.  The M stands for Marduk which is the patron god of Babylon. SC I think is is security company and T is technology so the full name is Marduk Technology Security Company or something (someone please check this).

Posted : 12/05/2021 6:45 pm
Posts: 48
Just a cold piece of steel

Here are some translations from Hansuke's Twitter. There are also various images throughout the Tweets. Source:


"Better HD version of Risette Twinings and Quatre Salision."


"More screenshot on Xipha and the usage of it.

Source: via(@falbgm)"


"HQ Risette Twinings."


"HQ Quatre Salision"


"New visuals on the new areas in Calvard."


"FIO, XEROS(?) with Model Verne Fang-Attac-000 and the Verne Industrial Company visual."


"HQ screenshots on Xipha,16 quartz and etc."


"Oh yeah Zin Vathek, Kilika Rouran, Aaron Wei, Cao Lee and Rixia Mao in terms of relations in Calvard."


"Initial page. Van Arkride in all caps."


"The PMC (private military company) with its headquarters located in the northwestern state of Ored."


"It provides security/critical operation services to other companies in various countries and employs engineers with testers to develop and research military equipments and tactics.

Concierge(Risette)-Provide services for testing out the MTSC products."


"Business like relationship between Van and Risette due to her being from that program of testing MTSC products.

(Rough translations of Risette and MTSC)."


"(Rough)Info on Quatre Salision:

- He is 15 years old boy and it is a researcher at a University where he is getting his Science degree(Master?). He has feminine features, with an air of mystery/strangeness about him."


"- He specialises in the research, development with operation of tactical drones based on the Xipha system."


"He is also an assistant at a physics/bio engineering laboratory and was taken in as a child by Dr. LaToya Hamilton, also known as the mother of Republic's orbal revolution.

He have lived with her ever since then and it is willing to follow her footstep(a disciple/apprentice)."


"Rough Translation on City of Basel and Verne Industrial Company:

The engineering city of Basel that is located in the southwest of the Republic of Calvard, which is academic and industrial city of a population of 180,000."


"Home to the University of Science and Technology, which has an astronomical observatory and it is since long been famous for its scientific research in the field of Natural sciences."


"During the Middle Ages, there was a guild of artisans who made instruments/ equipments for research.

However after the Orbal revolution, the guild and the University of Sciences jointly founded the Verne company."


"In Recent years, the city has been transformed into a modern academic, industrial city, with the construction of a tramway(?) that links together different areas of the city within."


"Verne Industrial Company:

The large engineering company that is located in Basel, and one of the continent's leading companies."


"Dr. Latoya Hamilton, one of the three disciples of Professor Epstein, as its CEO/head of Verne Industrial Company, the company develops a range of advanced technologies, including the invention of the first Orbal car and Orbal camera."


"The Eastern town name Long-port that is located south of Calvard(Eastern Quarter)that has a population of 550000, which is the city itself.

A trade hub town that glows crimson like at night/dawn due to its lights in the town."


"I will leave the rest of its translations of the Xipha and other components of its function in terms of quartz, EXTRA and other to those at Falcord.

Nihon Falcom website will be updated for Risette and Quatre for the Field battle clips soon.

Opinions: I love Risette design."


That's it so far. Additional "Falcord" is the Falcom Discord which you can find here:

Also, user Cake__Attack made an informative comment (here: regarding the translation for Xipha's orbment system:


"the way it works is you have four lines, Weapon, Shield, Arts, and Extra. you equip quartz in each line and based on the elemental values (like arts in the old system) you unlock Shard Skills, which vary depending on the equipped line. As an example they mention imbuing weapons with elementals for the Weapon line and reduced cast times for the Arts line. they are coy about what Extra means.

You also have the Hollow Core which functions kinda like a Master Core, determine a) Your Arts power b) Your EP c) The effect of your S-burst (an example given is Remedy Plus, which boosts healing magic and the range and power of arts).

Lastly you have the Arts Driver, which comes pre-installed with various arts and a free art slot.

e: also they have siri now"



Here is another comment made by Florac (here: with more translations regarding the gameplay:


"Also, for the falcord translation of the gameplay, details things a bit more:

  • It is composed of 3 major parts: A Hollow Core, Arts Driver, and Lines.
  • The Hollow Core functions similarly to a master quartz with some differences. Each Hollow Core is levelable and has the ability to strengthen different parameters and comes with an S-boost that provides things like a boost to all parameters or increases arts range, etc.
  • The Arts Driver is a unit with multiple arts installed in it. By slotting it into the Xipha unit you can use a wide variety of arts. Within the Arts driver there is an additional empty slot in which you can install whichever art you’d like. The kind of arts the arts driver can use depends on the level of the Hollow Core.
  • The Nebulous of the Arts Driver has a lower section in which you can customize which quarts goes in. It’s up to the player.
  • The Lines are 4 in number: Weapon, Shield, Drive, and EXTRA. In each line you can slot in different quartz, with each one having a elemental value that adds up with the others in its line. These total values when added together give you the ability to use what are called ‘shard skills’ which each in turn provide different abilities. Installing different quartz improves your parameters and gives you the ability to use new spells. Depending on the elemental totals for each line, your potential shard skills change. The Weapon line influences aspects of attacking- from when your attacks land to periodic elemental added attacks.
  • Shield lowers damage and influences defence.
  • Drive influences magic power and casting.
  • EXTRA is unique in that it can provide your character with shard skills that work outside of combat.

(Credit to those who actually did the translation, IngeniosaGulaEst and gashizmo, don't know their usernames on here though, if any)"


Posted : 12/05/2021 6:57 pm
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