
Kuro no Kiseki
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Kuro no Kiseki

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Kiseki Crack Editor

I’m still very much of the opinion that the Sept is going to be Wind despite the pun in the name.

There’s just too many many dots pointing in that direction.

Wind —> Mind

Sloth —> Sin of Mind

Calvard —> Land of Lies

Calvard Culture —> Laid back, politicians delegate responsibility to politicians instead of thinking for themselves. Believe convenient lies over looking for the truth.

Sunshine Agnes —> Ton of Wind imagery

New Key Art #1 —> Blonde girl has similar appearance and also Wind imagery as Agnes. 

New Key Art #2 —> Fairy or sylph (wind elemental). 

Protagonists profession —> Spriggan, continues to fairy imagery.

By itself, the logo symbol being the Kether symbol on the Tree of Sephiroth doesn’t mean much but it could depending on the direction the story takes, it could.

Edit: Huh, I’ve never put my 7DS theory in any of my other theories. I guess I’ll write that one next. It’s a good chance to fully write out the flower symbolism on the Master Arts Cards too.

Posted : 18/12/2020 2:07 pm
Posts: 249

Very happy they got Katsumi Enami back for Kuro, and it's nice to finally see the protag's face!

Posted : 20/12/2020 11:09 am
Posts: 128

Found this on reddit and I think it's a nice piece of theory about the new title. Especially about the 黎 character.

Heavy Hajimari spoilers, so beware!

Posted : 21/12/2020 8:28 am
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor


That was a good post. Almost makes me want to switch my prediction from Wind to Time, especially the thing about the stylized Kanji. 

Posted : 21/12/2020 5:54 pm
Posts: 128


Thanks to your post, I read through Sunshine Agnes again and the Wind theme is truly strong there. Who knows? Erebonia had two Septerrions, so perhaps Calvard also has two, Wind and Time? Then again, the devs said that the nation is smaller than Erebonia, so a subtle nod that it houses only one Septerrion? And all the nice theories about Arteria and Time...

Posted : 21/12/2020 6:36 pm
Posts: 58

Honestly, I think it's too early to make a specific theory. Sora set us up to expect one Treasure per arc, but both arcs since have included some kind of curveball; Zero dealt with an artificial Treasure and Sen dealt with two. It's possible Time is inaccessible for similar reasons to Mirage (let's say Eidos put special limiters on it to prevent humanity from simply rewriting history every five minutes and therefore never making any progress) so the solution is to hack into it using Wind as a terminal. Or the desertification is due to Water going haywire long ago in another country next to Calvard. IIRC Kondo did say they weren't going to have two Treasures in an arc again, but conceptually speaking they could have some equivalent force (like an intervention from Outside, someone resurrecting Eidos, a Mythos if Nayuta is canon, etc.) 

Posted : 22/12/2020 3:55 am
Posts: 249

That new interview with Kondo from the Hajimari visual collection, saying that the weird prologue shenanigans from CS1 might have some greater meaning is making me lose my mind. Stop playing with us, KONDOOOOOOOO!

Posted : 28/12/2020 11:46 am
Posts: 58

Frankly I'm mostly a bit taken aback at the remark in the recent interview that Falcom hadn't planned anything for the Calvard arc until now. They said recently they like to leave things open so as not to write themselves into a corner, but I didn't realize it was to that extent.

Posted : 30/12/2020 9:55 am
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor

Latte in the Falcord made a diagram with most known factions in Calvard.

Posted : 30/12/2020 5:12 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter

That's quite comprehensive. I suppose you could add the film actress mentioned in Hajimari (and Kondo's interview) to the Rocksmith Organization since you can bet money that it was a reference to Nike from Gambler Jack II. I wonder how much crazier the matrix of factions is going to look once we start getting the details. xD

Posted by: @sinjitsu_itiro

Frankly I'm mostly a bit taken aback at the remark in the recent interview that Falcom hadn't planned anything for the Calvard arc until now. They said recently they like to leave things open so as not to write themselves into a corner, but I didn't realize it was to that extent.

Kondo has mentioned elsewhere that they've been doing work on Calvard (at least in the planning phase) for some time, and they've definitely been setting up plot threads for a long time. I'm guessing that while they have a broad outline of where they want things to go, they've left it flexible in terms of how they'd get there and they're now starting to dig into the fine details, in contrast to Erebonia where they had specific ideas in mind (like Crow) even while they were working on FC.

We've seen the flexibility before, with Kondo mentioning that they dropped Crossbell in between Liberl and Erebonia in order to build up the latter (and Osborne specifically) before actually taking us there. Likewise The 3rd being made at all because they realized they hadn't set things up enough to jump from SC to Erebonia (the original plan) which then led to the realization that Crossbell would work better first.

Posted : 30/12/2020 5:55 pm
Posts: 249

There's also Sheena Dirk who was mentioned in a book on prominant women back in Zero, who was involved in activism to do with the Democratic Revolution. Although now that I think about it, she's probably long dead at this point, barring any funny business.

Posted : 30/12/2020 9:03 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
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Eagerly looking forward to the next release of information on the game. I've had some hopes for how Calvard would go based on what we learned in the Gambler Jack books (I've called it Jazzpunk Noir) and so far it looks like the game is going to hit every beat in its aesthetics and the implications of the Alignment Frame and more morally grey characters, plus that Prologue teaser straight out of Hammett or Chandler...

Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

There's also Sheena Dirk who was mentioned in a book on prominant women back in Zero, who was involved in activism to do with the Democratic Revolution. Although now that I think about it, she's probably long dead at this point, barring any funny business.

Yeah, assuming she was just twenty when the revolution began she'd be nearly a hundred and thirty by 1208, and there's every chance she was older so... unlikely. But I'm sure we'll be learning more about her just like we learned a lot more about the other prominent woman mentioned in that book that we hadn't seen yet, Lianne Sandlot. xD

Posted : 20/01/2021 12:30 am
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor

Might as well share my crack now we have a high res image of Calvadol. The three figures on the keyart are the three main characters,

The man is the MC (Arclide)

The fairy is !Agnes

The beast is Calvadol (he has gold cat eyes)

Posted : 29/01/2021 2:36 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @hellseye47

Might as well share my crack now we have a high res image of Calvadol. The three figures on the keyart are the three main characters,

This one? Huh, that's an interesting possibility, and good spot on Calvadol's eye color. I hadn't noticed that detail, too busy geeking out over seeing Jack and Halle. xD

Myself, I'm hoping the 'beast' is a sign that something like Spirit Magic from Gagharv is returning. xD

Posted : 29/01/2021 7:56 pm
Posts: 249

Not gonna lie, I'll miss calling him Calvadol when his name's officially announced lol

We know that MC is gonna be on the older side as far as Kiseki protags go (relative to when the others started out), and I'm wondering if that's because of how Estelle/Lloyd/Rean are in their twenties now and they want to keep everyone somewhat level when it comes to ages. It could mean going forward they stick to older leads rather than your typical JRPG teens saving the day, which'll be a pleasant change. It'd be a bit lopsided if, by the end of the series, we had the very experienced twenty-somethings (geriatrics by anime standards) standing side by side with a 17/18 year old whipper snapper in the last arc.

This post was modified 4 years ago by JumpyJunpei
Posted : 30/01/2021 2:11 am
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