
Hajimari playthroug...
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Hajimari playthrough topic

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Posted by: @sinjitsu_itiro

I am not starting any hashtag campaigns, tweet under a locked account, and barely participate in the wider fandom as it is except for occasionally posting fic on Ao3.

Are those Ao3 fics for Trails? If yes, I am interested in reading them.

Speaking of McBurn, I don't know if you read my ridiculous theory that he's actually Nayuta and Grandmaster is a Mythos, but McBurn saying he probably wouldn't be able to maintain his current form

I like that theory. Nayuta is a sweetheart and him turning into McBurn makes me crack up every time I'm imagining it. It would also make Towa McBurn's niece and considering the crack theories about her...

I've been busy the last few days trying to catch up (middle of ch3) and it's been a ride. But I also said I would post impressions, so here they are.

Lloyd Route chapter 1 ending
That was rough. Everybody was so happy, the political landscape for reindependence was as perfect as it could be and then this. I knew it was coming, but seeing Rufus rain on Crossbell's parade like this was still a punch in the gut. How he moved so many military personnel into the city undetected did challenge my suspension of disbelief. Then again, later chapters show how the heroes are just as clueless as the player and unravelling the mystery of this coup is one of the main plot movers, so all is well.

It has been mentioned how Illya's mind/curse control dancing seemed goofy and now that I'm seeing it on screen, I have to agree despite my knowledge about the effects of performance arts and the curse. Her doing the moves completely clash with Rufus standing more or less static behind the podium to play at being dictator. Falcom seemed to think so, too, because the camera didn't linger on her dancing at all.

The Rufus fight was suitably hard. Even with the 0.5 damage modifier on Lloyd's brave order, he still hits for upward of 6000-7000 damage against multiple characters with his strongest craft. The moment I dealt enough damage to receive the RP bonus, I knew that his S-Craft was coming and it didn't disappoint.

Quite a call back to that hopeless bossfight in Sen 2.

And seriously, all the bracers and the Thors team watch the stuff with their laptops instead of in person, despite only being one or two blocks away? I mean, it's clear it was done to set up the Rufus curb-stomp, because him winning against the SSS, all of Crossbell's bracers (and Josh/Estelle) plus the Class VII members and their super maid would've been beyond ridiculous, but still...plot contrivances.

Rean Route chapter 1
That's quite an introduction. While I like how far Falcom has come with the character animation, the sword fight itself was kind of meh. Too many blade locks and Rean treats his tachi as if it was made of indestructium. Clashing the weapon against a much heavier and more massive sword will just end up with a broken blade. Oh well, perhaps I have simply watched too many HEMA videos.

Seeing Ymir with the upgraded graphics is a real treat though. As with Crossbell there's this feeling of coming back home and the NPCs are just as quirky as I remember them. And just as I anticipated, that strange sister of Ryu (the kid leader of the Junior-SSS) is actually in Rean's hometown, doing last minute prepations for her mountain trek to the Eisengard Range. Did I already gush about how well Falcom treats their NPCs?

The introduction of New Class VII to Teo was a litte stiff, but also a neat way to introduce everybody to the player again. Not that it's needed or anything. There were some highlights like Altina's guilt for her part in Sen 2 or how Ash continues to keep up the bad boy act. The conversation between Claire and Rean in the onsen was well done. As always, he still can't shake off his martyr complex and while Claire's guilt during the Twilight is cut and dry in contrast to Rean's case, it makes sense for them to be in a similar kind of headspace. And her telling him that he needs to forgive himself, so that she has any hope of doing the same was sweet. So is Rean's reply of calling her a devious woman.

That 'training' fight is all kinds of awesome. I might complain about the unrealistic fencing, but overall, the entire setup prepared by Matteus and Claire is the kind of tactical fighting I expect from members of the military, especially Claire. Divide and conquer. Making use of the territory. Switching between weapon types as the situation requires. And the fact that she can use her mirror devices in conjunction with her sniper rifle blows my mind, because the tactical implications are horrifying. In summary, I wished that Class VII were subjected to these kind of exercises during the mainline games instead of mindlessly striking against pseudo combat shells.

The Claire/Matteus boss fight netted me the first game over. They basically caught me on my back foot which deliciously reflects the cut-scene situation. While I barely eked out a win against Claire, once it was Rean/Kurt, I was screwed. One single BP, Rean had a measly 20 CP, Kurt slightly more and none of my accessories prevented stat down. Matteus spammed his Def-down craft and the rest was history.

My second attempt went much better, though the Matteus fight started in the worst way possible for me, namely that he got the first turn and his turn bonus was Zero Craft - the animation was badass though.

When I saw Kurt fall down in the in-medias-res beginning, I was reminded of the saying of how the lion shoves its cubs down the ravine himself. I couldn't help but smirk when Rean spoke my thoughts aloud. Is that a Japanese saying?

The rest of the route winded down in a predictable fashion and I have to admit that I didn't really understand the Matteus/Rean conversation inside the hotspring. Even looking up every kanji didn't help.

C Route chapter 1
Short and poignant. Different than all the other retired assassin characters like Josh or Sharon, these two show far less compuctions about fighting dirty. Swin's marking mechanism is nice and it's made clear very quickly how 3&9 are a well-practiced team. They remind me of Josh/Estelle insofar that we have the serious boy who keeps the silly antics of the girl in check. Then again, they are at the same time completely different.

I didn't expect Alberich's combat shell here. Swin saying that neither cutting nor thrusting attacks work made me chuckle, a small reference to the in-game unbalancing/link-attack mechanic.

The opening of the trunk was already seen in the trailer, but I didn't expect <C> to reference pandora's box. Quite ominous. And the facial animations are lovely.

So, Lapis is apparently a glutton for flattery - that, and she's also amnesiac, allegedly. Don't think I trust everything you tell me upfront, Falcom. I've become wise to your tricks. 

A doll facing existential breakdown. I suspect it might become something of a theme with her characterization. And <C> buying off Nadia/Swin with cold, hard cash had me rolling on the floor. Considering all the goody-two-shoes who populate the Kiseki roster, this team sticks out like a sore thumb.


Posted : 29/09/2020 3:22 pm
Posts: 58


I haven't done any Kiseki fic in a while because for me fic is a way of filling in blanks in canon/working out things that got left out, and the last Falcom game to spur me into that kind of thinking was actually Ys IX.

But if you're interested:

The saying about lions and their cubs exists in Japanese:

And yeah, C's team is entertainingly shady. They also benefit from not having as many characters on screen at the same time

Edit to add

October 1st update content
Take McBurn to the Illusory Hills and he'll say it's nostalgic... Hmm... Is this a mislead...?

Posted : 29/09/2020 3:44 pm
Posts: 249
Topic starter

Hot damn, this update is a meaty piece of content. Haven't been able to finish yet, and I haven't even touched the episodes. I kind of want to recommend some characters to take for potential dialogue, but it'd probably be a bit suggestive of what could lie ahead.


I cheered at the sight of Thomas being a boss fight. Always thought it was a shame we never got to see what he could do in battle, and I when I saw he had a Zero Craft turn coming up? Well, how could I not let him take it. Pretty sweet S-Craft, if I do say so! It's also good to finally get some answers on the Corridor. AZOTH! I started to suspect as much when it started talking about causality. I'm gonna need to see/hear some translations on what was going on to really grasp it all, though.


Edit: Oh man, the new group victory conversations are amazing.

This post was modified 4 years ago by JumpyJunpei
Posted : 01/10/2020 12:26 am
Posts: 58


The group mission conversations add more interaction between various groups which was really needed (since a lot of the scenes with everyone on screen are too occupied with getting through the story to properly have character interaction - which would be difficult anyway with 50-something characters!)

Also something funny from those missions

it seems to imply Magical Alisa is sort of canon?? Did Elysion calculate that possibility too? (I haven't played that mini game yet)

I think the October 1st update is the last bit of new content we're getting but honestly I wouldn't mind more. Hope they release a scenario book which records all the after-battle and active voice bits, it's a lot to try to work out.

Posted : 04/10/2020 9:05 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin

I've finished a chunk of the new content and yeah, there's a lot to take in here. Still haven't tried out the Group Missions and I just got to the seventh level. I'm vaguely annoyed that one of my theories was blown away but what we got in its place was certainly worth being proven wrong.

Postgame content
I really figured that the mysterious figure we saw in the Fifth Level was the same as the voice from the terminal core and was the Grandmaster. Nope, turns out the latter is AZOTH and the former is... a shadow of the original Demiourgos, maybe? That seems to be the extremely strong implication at any rate.

Also, after the 'main' Corridor bosses were really funky monsters/mecha it's been quite a change for the postgame ones to be crazy bosses from the previous games. First Devil McBurn, then two Holy Beasts at the same time?! It was cool to see Argres in his true form without the distortion effect he had during the CS4 fight. I also can't help but notice that he seems to be accumulating titles as he's now called the Golden Unicorn. I suppose now we've got confirmation how that particular bit of Erebonian folklore got started. xD

Also, some of the EX trial door battles are just... ouch.

Posted : 04/10/2020 9:00 pm
Posts: 249
Topic starter

Eep, I hope you didn't look at my spoilers, since it spoils the final boss of that level!


Same postgame stuff
Interesting about Argres' title. Now we just need something about fairies and that'll be all the myths explained.

This post was modified 4 years ago by JumpyJunpei
Posted : 04/10/2020 9:43 pm
Posts: 58
Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

Eep, I hope you didn't look at my spoilers, since it spoils the final boss of that level!


Same postgame stuff
Interesting about Argres' title. Now we just need something about fairies and that'll be all the myths explained.

That last actually does sort of get mentioned, there's the

妖精の湯 - fairies' hot springs that appear when the leylines act up.

While I'm posting, some

Comments about episodes - more Nayuta mania - thinking about Calvard - update notes
Towa's best weapon is the Star Spirit Gun Nayuta (yes Falcom we see what you're doing.) Her even bester weapon is the Star Spirit Gun Alaya 阿頼耶 which is a Buddhist level of consciousness and I'm not smart enough to understand that.

PS the convenient magic tree that heals you in the TRC is the Star Spirit Tree. Same kanji except for the last one, and exact same pronunciation (seireijuu) for both. Uh?

Incidentally starting to wonder if the visual similarity between the Mythos' Lightwings and the Stigmas is a coincidence.

I reread the Nayuta novelization recently (I actually recommend it, it has a number of changes to make character motivations more understandable and give Signa and Creha more of a role.) According to it the Mythos traveled through space in ships compelled by the wings in their souls. Hmm??

I wonder if the Glorious can handle space travel.. 🤔

BTW I think Falcom is pulling a fast one with the Calvard map and there's actually another country in there. It says in the 3rd special collection book Kevin and Ries are from the central western town of Emerause. It doesn't say in Calvard. ??? Which country are they from then?

PS, we assume Calvard is based on America/China, but you know what country had a violent revolution, deposed its aristocracy, and famously calls itself a republic? France. Emerause (which is around Calvard) also sounds French. The royal school Aramis is named after one of the three musketeers, aka a French novel. France was also the origin of the first films.

BTW Nayuta went to a royal school in the port town of St-Cerise (also a Frenchish name) to study. 🤔 Incidentally, Falcom haven't announced the name of the city Aramis is located in.

Also BTW (by a different way?) the previous President of Calvard Rocksmith was a populist from a common family (Campanella thinks the name is from stonework.) The new president is apparently rolling in cash. He's named Roy (king in French) Gramheart (Gram being old Norse for king, and also the name of a dragonslaying sword.) Guessing he's from an aristocratic bloodline with ties to artifacts here and there (old families having access to magic being common in Kiseki.)

Now both Olivier and Schera have siblings who are Enforcers. As commonalities go I think they would have preferred something else.

Ash's episode was nice. It's nice to have something not totally focused on Rean for once >_>

Edit: Got to the last level of the TRC and unlocked the episode Memory's Burning Gaze

Comments on that.
This was a good episode but also drives home one of the problems with the Sen arc, which is that Osborne was basically handling the entire plot and nobody ever caught up to him. Granted the weak leadership in the Noble faction was part of the problem to begin with, but even Osborne was only human and should have slipped up here and there (admittedly Crow managed to assassinate him, but even that worked out in Osborne's favor.) Compare the ending of SC where Cassius outsmarts Weissman and it's a bit disappointing. I hope Calvard has more evenly matched opponents.

A very moving episode, still. Was lovely to see how much Osborne cared for all his children (and also horrifying as he watches over Millium and thinks about her eventual death.) Would have been nice to see more of Arianrhod (that's her plot in Sen in a nutshell...)

Meanwhile OzXX, well, I see Ishmelga=Rean was Rean's final boss, so I guess this is Lloyd's? Now Falcom has to release another patch with a final boss for Rufus!!

Posted : 04/10/2020 10:17 pm
Posts: 58

Apologies for double posting, but this is quite long and the forum already gave me an error message when I tried to edit the previous post...

Comments on Calvard + more crack theories. Spoilers for everything ever throughout the entire post.
Meta talk about the goal of Ouroboros
Honestly I think next arc will deal with Wind and Water because those are the elements of fengshui and Calvard is both inspired by the far east and dealing with environmental problems... I'm kind of uncertain what the actual goal of the Orpheus plan is/how far Calvard arc will go because the Nothingness of All seems like it will take place in two years but also that Gramheart's plan will extend that far. And yet we know the story will continue for at least two more arcs after that (how do you top the cessation of all existence?) Personally I'm hoping they sort out the nature of Zemuria and the Outside next arc instead of leaving it a question mark because I'm assuming McBurn will exit the playing field in the next game or the one after it. If they end the arc by connecting Zemuria with the rest of the world they can logically add new threats from new areas instead of keeping it open.
About the Outside/Nayuta's relationship with the Zemurian timeline/world.
Hajimari/Sen IV/Nayuta spoilers. Also dangerous quantities of crack
First of all I really don't think Creha is the Grandmaster, not only because she and Signa chose to live as humans instead of guiding the world from above, but also because neither of them actually has the level of social flexibility you need to run a top-secret conspiracy with villains around the world. Neither tries to involve humans at any point except for asking for Nayuta's judgment (whether directly by Creha or indirectly by Signa.) While they were on Terra they could have tried to find a way to signal to humans on earth. They didn't. When it comes time for the Re-Creation they don't tell anyone what they're doing. Partly this is because there wasn't much the people on earth could do, but also because of the high-handed attitude the Mythos seem to have. (Growing up alone on a space station with only AI they built themselves for company can't have done much for their social skills either.) They're also (at least Signa is) disturbed by human darkness. Meanwhile Grandmaster actively seeks out collaboration with humans, particularly those tinged with darkness and sin.
I can think of several possibilities:
  1. They're totally unrelated and this is Falcom messing with us because they like sitting on 5ch with a beer and cackling
  2. They're two separate possible timelines from the same originating point (in one world Zemuria was created after the cataclysm, and in another Terra was launched into space instead) This would mean McBurn is a Nayuta, just not the one we're familiar with (I think he is a Herschel, considering they came up with a few designs for Prof. Herschel and deliberately went with one that has rimless glasses like McBurn and the same hair line)
  3. They're split halves of the same world (like in my Kiseki crack theory), just one in the real world and the Zemuria half in another dimension
  4. They are literally in the exact same world and the difference in the timeline (Nayuta is set in 1579 New Era and the mainline Kisekis in 1206 Septian Era and on) is because the Church pulled some shenanigans and moved history back 400 or some years (I'm bad at math)
To elaborate on this last possibility:
Warning: dangerous levels of crack
If you add 30 years to Nayuta's timeline (approximately one generation later) you wind up at 1609. 1209 is the precise end-point where the Nothingness of All occurs.  The next Ouroboros plan is the Eternal Recurrence, in other words, history repeating itself. McBurn seems to blame Campanella and Grandmaster for fooling him and says his world was already destroyed. The map sort of fits. Kondo says Nayuta is 'maybe' related to other Kiseki games. The actual start date of the Septian church is uncertain. Gaius says in Sen IV that after joining the church he learned things about the world that caused him to question everything, but the Nord he loves and the people in it are still real. It's known that major historical events can be blurred or wiped from people's memories (particularly in Sen.) The DG Cult claims Aidios is an illusion and doesn't actually exist. In Nayuta's world Aidios doesn't exist. The Grandmaster has collected just one of the Sept-Terrions that have appeared so far - the Aureole, which has a subsystem (Phantasma) that can create possible worlds - as well as the data of Azure Demiurgos, which can sort through causality to find a world-line with the results it wants. Campanella and Mariabell both talk about possible worlds in Sen IV. A heckuva lot of major changes occurred in a very short time after SE 1150.
In other words: 
Summary of the crack
Nayuta's story happens in 1579 -> Nothingness of All occurs in the year 1609 -> history is overwritten and the calendar restarts in 1150 (actually 1550 but with people's memories altered) -> events of the mainline Kisekis. McBurn's world would be another iteration of Zemuria that had previously failed to pass the Nothingness of All checkpoint (the spirits worshiped by earlier civilizations who have so far failed to show up)
In the new timeline Prof Herschel survived to found the museum in Heimdallr and have another child (Towa's parent.) Incidentally the exhibition at the Museum during Sen IV is 'Stars and the Ancient Civilization'
This is probably nonsense but it's enjoyable nonsense! (I hope) 😉 Sorry for the formatting, I wanted to have bullet points but they didn't get along well with the spoiler notation.


Posted : 06/10/2020 2:22 pm
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor

Shunran + Crack
I kind of doubt Calvard will deal with two Sept-Terrion. Kondo has explicitly stated that three more arcs are planned and there are three more Sept-Terrion. One of the old theories is that the Sept-Terrion form a barrier between Zemuria and the Outside. Shunran, which takes place in Not Siberia in the Northeast, is said to not be suffering from the effects of desertification like the East and Southeast is. Based on a few other details about the people and the Mountain, I would not be surprised if there was a Sept-Terrion there.

Calvard Foreshadowing Episodes
Calvard itself is pretty difficult to guess how things will go at this point just because we have so many different factions with likely competing interests.

There is Nadia and Swin’s organization (A) which is being set up as some form of Illuminati—possibly connected to Calvard’s former monarchy.

There are the Eastern factions of Ikaruga and Heiyue which based on Nielsen’s quest in Sen IV and 3&9 are possibly opposed to A. Based on Elaine’s story, Heiyue is weakening while A is getting stronger due to the influx of Erebonia reparation money. There’s some speculation that Hime from Ikaruga might be next 7th Anguis.

We have MTSC which people are speculating is either the magicians from Sunshine Agnes or one of the 13 Factories.  

There’s also Gramhart who could be his own faction entirely.

Of course, there is also the 4th Anguis, but it’s anyone’s guess which side he ends up on in the end with the title Oathbringer.  

Posted : 06/10/2020 4:03 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin

I'll leave the newest stuff since I haven't finished yet and assume there's more to come on Calvard teasing, plus RNGesus still hasn't given me the first volume of the new novels and I'm waiting on that before reading any of it.

Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

Eep, I hope you didn't look at my spoilers, since it spoils the final boss of that level!

Don't worry, I didn't. Though I've since seen it anyways. xD

Posted by: @sinjitsu_itiro

While I'm posting, some

Comments about episodes - more Nayuta mania - thinking about Calvard - update notes
Towa's best weapon is the Star Spirit Gun Nayuta (yes Falcom we see what you're doing.) Her even bester weapon is the Star Spirit Gun Alaya 阿頼耶 which is a Buddhist level of consciousness and I'm not smart enough to understand that.

BTW I think Falcom is pulling a fast one with the Calvard map and there's actually another country in there. It says in the 3rd special collection book Kevin and Ries are from the central western town of Emerause. It doesn't say in Calvard. ??? Which country are they from then?

PS, we assume Calvard is based on America/China, but you know what country had a violent revolution, deposed its aristocracy, and famously calls itself a republic? France. Emerause (which is around Calvard) also sounds French. The royal school Aramis is named after one of the three musketeers, aka a French novel. France was also the origin of the first films.

Zemurian geopolitics/CS4/Nayuta
- Towa's weapon was actually a repeat from CS2; Falcom has been teasing those similarities literally since she was first announced in the leadup to CS1 and that was just an especially cheeky example of it. xD

Don't get me started on those weapon names more broadly or I'll be geeking out for pages.

- Yeah, I think Calvard is a mashup of France and a bit of the United States, but mainly the former. The antagonism with Not!Prussia who's right on their doorstep, the country's symbol being vaguely similar to the fleur-de-lis and the violent democratic revolution... and the US comes in due to the heavy focus Calvard has on immigrants. France has that too of course but presentation seems a bit more skewed towards the American experience and cultural synthesis than the French.

All the Chinese/Japanese influences are more reflective of the countries the people are coming from, so the places further east are the real 'Zemurian China' and 'Zemurian Japan'. We even have a name for one location (Longlai) but all we really know is it's a place and produces really good green tea, but not how big it is or how important. My personal guess is that the east is composed of a group of smaller countries but we just don't know yet.

- Where did Aramis come up again? I feel like I've seen it somewhere but can't recall offhand. There's also a Porthos (or his name could be read that way) in Ruan and Mousquetaire/Musketeer is one of the defensive structures you can build in Ys IX. I think someone at Falcom likes their Dumas.

- On Kevin and Ries, what's considered 'Central Zemuria' seems to be a pretty fuzzy concept. Leman and Arteria are said to be there but they're in the northern reaches of the map; Leman isn't actually on the map but it's been implied that Arteria is located within its borders and based on the world war map showing Arteria and Remiferia's forces arriving in a group, this seems to be more or less confirmed. So it's possible that Kevin and Ries' homeland is similarly more 'north' than 'central', though it could also be the latter; we have no real idea how far east Calvard goes, only that it's big. There could be a few small countries east of Calvard that have a Church presence before we get to what's generally thought of as 'the East'.

Posted : 06/10/2020 8:26 pm
Posts: 58


I only skimmed the novel so far, but the Matagi referenced in the novel are a real-world ethnic group in Tohoku related to the Ainu.

Calvard organizations
I find it unlikely that MTSC can be part of the 13 Factories because they took Novartis by surprise and he's technically in charge of all of the workshops. Admittedly he seems like an incompetent administrator, but I still think it's probably a new group. One thing I was wondering was whether any Gnomes defected, since Kondo said there were more of them than just Alberich and George, but we never see any. Regarding the Magicians - I kind of thought that was foreshadowing the Hexen, but another group of sorcerers would be cool too.

@yotaka I'm sorry, Aramis gets mentioned in the post-game episodes, I didn't mean to spoil you orz.

PS re weapon names, someone at Falcom's been brushing up on their Tolkien, I spotted Smaug and Orcrist w

Posted : 07/10/2020 6:38 am
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor


Yep, the Matagi hunters of northern Japan are distantly related to the Ainu. Not Siberia is the nickname I’m using for the region until we get an official name because, well, that’s what it is. Interesting enough the Japanese in general originally emigrated from Siberia.

Posted : 07/10/2020 11:25 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Posted by: @sinjitsu_itiro

@yotaka I'm sorry, Aramis gets mentioned in the post-game episodes, I didn't mean to spoil you orz.

PS re weapon names, someone at Falcom's been brushing up on their Tolkien, I spotted Smaug and Orcrist w

No worries, I'm sure it won't be long before I run into it then.

And I'd argue that they brushed up on their Tolkien at least during the planning for CS3 when we got names like Hotel Valar, Osgiliath Basin and Palace of Eregion. And before that we had Valimar, the Anor River, Gamgee's Pub, the Arnor family... xD

But yes, there are a ton of Tolkien names in the uberweapons, with a few more that you may not have spotted yet. There's also a couple of not-so-subtle references to other Falcom games in there for funsies.

Posted : 07/10/2020 9:30 pm
Posts: 58

Just out of my own curiosity, I listed down all the references I could recall to stars/constellations/celestial bodies (not counting all quartz/spells or this list would never end.) I also left out Nayuta for that reason.

Tl;dr: stars are the most common particularly starting with 3rd


GrailSphere chant, Gralsritter

The emblem of the Septian church

Astral Code, Celestial Globe, Zodiac Code

The stars are the symbol of Eidos' mercy

Black Zemurian ore glistens like stars in the night sky

Lost Art element Star


The name 'Estelle'

Star Doors

The stars/constellations in the Hermit's Garden are not recognizable/different from the ones Josette knows


Museum exhibit on ancient Zemuria and the stars

Herschel family with a habit of astronomy, named after real-world astronomer William Herschel (with origins in the far east)

Towa's weapons (Polaris etc)

Star Spirit Tree in Garden of Creation

Orion siblings



Tower of Stargaze

Red Constellation

Shirley (The Star arcana)

Golden Sun, Silver Moon musical (second version)

Elie's combo crafts (Star Blast, Riot Star etc)



Taito-ryu (partly named after Hokuto)

Altair (a city)

Military units (Canopus, Aldebaran, Hercules)

RAMDA (may be lambda, the cosmological constant)

The national newspaper Tyrell may be a reference to Lake Tyrrell


The Sun 


Present in Arteria's emblem



Estelle is called 'the girl like the Sun'

Sun Doors



Sun Fort

Golden Sun, Silver Moon



Lost Art 'Prominence Roar'

Sol Shrine on Bryonia Island


The Moon 

Present in Arteria's emblem



Moon Doors



Monastery of the Moon

Golden Sun, Silver Moon



Lunar Shrine

Posted : 08/10/2020 4:40 am
Posts: 58

Hello, here I am with another double post.

First, some comments on 'Shunran'

Shunran novel remarks
I'm wondering if this story introduces Hakai (Thousand Oathbreaker) as the term 破戒 is mentioned. The villain of the story has curses tattooed over his whole body and is hunting the heroine Sayu. Sayu wields a bowgun and calls herself an artifact transporter. She and her brother belong to the Forest Wanderers (unsure of the translation for 遊人) which is a tribe that works with the Septian Church. Sayu is working to reunite the two halves of a weather control artifact - one of which fused with a monster - so she can seal them in a shrine (where have we heard that one before).

The villain (nicknamed Oni) calls himself a "stonewall user" and is hunting the monster that holds the other half of Sayu's artifact. He dies in the story, but so did Ein in hers.

Incidentally Sayu's brother has the same speech pattern as Lechter /fourth Anguis... Also it's interesting to me that both Elaine's story and Shunran's story end with them working to join the heroes. Future party members?

I have another Hajimari theory and this time it's hopefully a little less off-beat than my Nayuta theories

Spoilers for everything ever
I think the Salt Pale incident in North Ambria was the result of a failed experiment: someone trying to ensoul a body/revive the dead/create another 'mixed' human weapon on the scale of McBurn.

First, some points:

Meister Jorg, the famous doll-maker, is missing during Hajimari. Jorg is so skillful that Novartis stole his Pater-Mater and Lapis entrusted him with building her a body. Most of the time, though, he sticks to making dolls and building stage props for Arc-en-ciel: toys, basically. 

Dolls come to life in one quest in Zero/Ao.

The novel 'Heartless Edgar' talks about an android created by the Epstein Foundation.

Novartis was trying to recreate Divergent powers using simulacra in Hajimari.

Humans given supernatural powers in Kiseki tend to go berserk (the most common scenario is the Gnosis users in Crossbell, but you also have Kevin on awakening his Stigma, Comrade G with the flute artifact in Sen, and Cedric with Testa-Rossa in Sen III and IV.) Likewise, if you flip it around, supernatural powers given human personalities tend to go berserk too (the first and second Demiurgos.)

One lodge of the DG Cult focused on using ancient machines in its experiments.

People kidnapping children to try to create superhuman weapons is unfortunately an ongoing theme with this series.

Now for everyone's favorite arsonist:

McBurn says that if he unleashed his power fully it would cause a disaster on the level of the Salt Pale incident. That's why he never fully transforms (even though he knows transforming is the key to regaining his memories) except during the Sen IV endgame when the world is a mess and he can get away with it. This is also why he avoids fighting in populated areas despite enjoying fighting more than anything else. 

If you think about it, the world is probably very lucky that Mea Cu fused with that particular human. While McBurn does go overboard occasionally (Sharon says he almost set her on fire because he didn't notice she was there, iirc) he does not ever unleash the carnage he could if he ever, say, sneezed in a shopping mall. For that reason you could say the combination of the two beings that became McBurn is an example of miraculously successful alchemy. (I think it's notable he came into existence around the time Epstein was working.)

The novel "If I Said Goodbye" tells the story of a toymaker named Sai (sai means genius or talent) who loved to make toys to please his friend Marta. After she dies in an accident, Sai first tries to make toys Marta can interact with even in the afterlife. He then comes to the conclusion that if he builds her a body she can play with normal toys. Sai works for 30 years on this project - building a body that can house a spiritual entity. After activating his project he finds that everyone in town has become lifeless, as though their souls left their bodies. After this the story has a happy ending as Marta's spirit asks Aidios for intercession, Sai accepts Marta's passing, and everyone in town is revived. Sai then dedicates his life to making simpler toys that the children around him can understand.

I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. Meister Jorg experimented in his youth with forbidden arts before repenting and working on (simpler, but still amazingly complex) toys and dolls. Someone (I don't know who, or even if they survived the attempt) tried to create a human Divergent weapon in North Ambria and failed, possibly because the intended vessel's personality couldn't handle it. (Or, if the inside of the original Pale was like that of the copies in IV, because they dialed for power and got an alien invasion ship instead.) Now someone today is trying to repeat the experiment, this time with an artificial vessel they created themselves and with a personality they can configure for stability (a man-made miko, you might say.) They either captured or are trying to capture Jorg to enlist him in their attempt.

Posted : 12/10/2020 8:05 pm
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