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Speaking of loc changes


The Outside being changed to the Beyond is gonna take some getting used to. Two years of calling it the Outside is a habit I may not break, especially since I kinda prefer that for it.

Posted : 28/10/2020 8:27 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

Speaking of loc changes


The Outside being changed to the Beyond is gonna take some getting used to. Two years of calling it the Outside is a habit I may not break, especially since I kinda prefer that for it.

Now imagine the fun of flip-flopping between terms over the years. xD

'Outside Laws' was a common fan term before XSEED's localization, then those became Divergent Laws (which made sense given what was known at the time) and then Sen IV's release made the original fan term more sensible since there's something literally outside Zemuria, and then yet another term gets used that doesn't quite link to either earlier term.

I may be inclined to heavily favor the Outside because it's something of an important concept in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files and the term 'Outsider' for people hailing from that space is both a fitting term and one I'm already used to thanks to Butcher.

Now multiply all that by having to remind myself to switch to calling Eidos Aidios, Klose Kloe, previously calling Zin Zane until XSEED about-faced on that one and so on whenever I'm not just talking to people familiar with the Japanese games. The series has accumulated a lot of names like that over the years and I'm sure that won't change any time soon.

Posted : 28/10/2020 9:34 pm
Posts: 182

Ok, put in a few hours and Aidios bless you Falcom, your blatant fanservice does not go unnoticed and I love you for it.

CS IV up through first playable section
One could still follow what's going on through the first bunch of cut scenes, but having played all the games it's just crazy all the various people from different games just popping up and the name drops. It's pretty much the divertissement from CS II on steroids. 

Then it's a return to the Mystic Core (using that term not NISA's) in 3D with Lloyd, Ellie, KeA, Joshua, and  Renne and Estelle really brought a smile to my face. Where to even start. First, playing as Estelle again but in 3D made me so happy, plus nostalgic. Being able to wheel of time some punks felt so satisfying and is still my favorite S-craft made better in this game. I made sure to use it on Alberich, that smug a hole. Estelle is just as great as she was in Sky, and I look forward to more of her, even if she's not super prominent in the game.

Once again, everything about Renne is just *chef's kiss*. Her banter especially with Estelle, is just so great. I got teary eyed when the after battle scene between her and Josh had her saying "That's what family is for". I smiled and cried a little when Estelle patted her on the head after the boss fight and Estelle saying she's matured a lot. Ah, it's just too much I love it. I also like the little details where she's pretty calm, but you can tell she's worried about Tita.

Overall, I just love all the little things that are made better from knowing all the games. Even if I think Alberich is a complete prick, I did smile at him and Bell accusing each other of stealing from each other then acting like pals.

Once again, when Falcom puts in the hype it works out real well, and I pity those who have only played the Cold Steel games playing this game

Posted : 28/10/2020 9:35 pm
Posts: 249
Posted by: @yotaka
Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

Speaking of loc changes


The Outside being changed to the Beyond is gonna take some getting used to. Two years of calling it the Outside is a habit I may not break, especially since I kinda prefer that for it.

Now imagine the fun of flip-flopping between terms over the years. xD

'Outside Laws' was a common fan term before XSEED's localization, then those became Divergent Laws (which made sense given what was known at the time) and then Sen IV's release made the original fan term more sensible since there's something literally outside Zemuria, and then yet another term gets used that doesn't quite link to either earlier term.

I may be inclined to heavily favor the Outside because it's something of an important concept in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files and the term 'Outsider' for people hailing from that space is both a fitting term and one I'm already used to thanks to Butcher.

Now multiply all that by having to remind myself to switch to calling Eidos Aidios, Klose Kloe, previously calling Zin Zane until XSEED about-faced on that one and so on whenever I'm not just talking to people familiar with the Japanese games. The series has accumulated a lot of names like that over the years and I'm sure that won't change any time soon.

Hah, yeah now that you put it like that, I can well imagine how nutty that gets! Klose is one that gives me pause when I see it used, because it always takes my brain a few seconds to make that connection. Is that based on a real world name? I'm assuming something Germanic.

I'm curious about your take on a particular S-Craft

late game
Namely, what they went with for Mujinken: Breaking Dawn. I have to say, making me think of the Twilight movies is not the best move, regardless of how amusingly apt Twilight is considering the curse and all lol


Posted : 28/10/2020 11:19 pm
Posts: 152

Still waiting for my Amazon pre-order delivery. Blah, I knew I should have gone with gamestop even though they are terrible.

Posted : 29/10/2020 2:20 am
Posts: 128
Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

Klose is one that gives me pause when I see it used, because it always takes my brain a few seconds to make that connection. Is that based on a real world name? I'm assuming something Germanic.

You assume right. In contrast to Claudia, when it's used as a nickname/given name, Klose is practically always used as a family name in todays 'Germanic' regions, so it sounds off to me when Claudia is called that. A fairly famous person is former football player Miroslav Klose who was a striker for the German national team, though it's pretty clear looking at his given name that the man has Slavic roots. Unsurprisingly, his family originally hails from Silesia, Poland, which historically is European's version of Crossbell being repeatedly annexed, conquered and occupied from both sides by Erebo... I mean Germany and Cal...*ahem* Russia.

Looking up the etymology of the name, there's more funny trivia. Apparently, Klose is a derivative of the given name Nikolaus. And while Nikolaus is originally Greek with Nίkē meaning victory (yes, like the sports article franchise) and Λάος (Láos) meaning populace/nation, it's a very famous name in Germany due to the popularity of Saint Nikolaus. The man is a Catholic Saint who has a holiday (6th of December) in honor of him and his legend is also the template used by Coca Cola to create the cultural icon of Santa Clause.

Posted : 29/10/2020 5:52 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter

Beaten to the punch on Klose but yeah, everything Wuolong said. xD

Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

I'm curious about your take on a particular S-Craft

late game
Namely, what they went with for Mujinken: Breaking Dawn. I have to say, making me think of the Twilight movies is not the best move, regardless of how amusingly apt Twilight is considering the curse and all lol

I'm guessing the logic was 'This name is hard to render gracefully so let's go for something that sounds symbolically appropriate and calls back to one of their earlier Crafts'. Not what I'd have gone with but I'm not calling the shots. One thing that is unfortunately extremely hard to convey in English is:

The fact that all the moves we know belong to the Seventh Form incorporate the name of the Form (無) into theirs. Aside from making names look stilted if you try to cram the same word into every one, you have the problem that Mu is a versatile character and what looks good in one name in English won't look as good in another. Even if 無想覇斬 hadn't been locked into Enlightened Domination before more names came out, finding one word that would work for the Form name and every technique incorporates it would be... a challenge.

Oh, speaking of that S-Craft and the Forms, Hajimari adds one more nail to the idea that he was listing off all the Form names in the text that flashes by, since there's a quiz question on the subject.

And I'm sure there will be a few interesting choices in other Crafts, especially for endgame bosses. NISA did a pretty clever job with the Nameless One's Crafts in 3, in lieu of the originals. Still not sure why they changed the MQ Kagutsuchi into Brigid but eh.


Also Endgame
So apparently Spirit Unification's version of the Craft changes the name to Luminous Abyss. That fits the Japanese pretty well, so I'm guessing they wanted separate names for flavor and the second was picked to be closer to the original meaning. That this will be helpful in Hajimari's localization is an added bonus. xD

Posted : 29/10/2020 6:06 pm
Posts: 58


Brigid is an Irish goddess/saint (I've read that basically the goddess was transformed into a saint by the church but don't know if that's correct) associated with the hearth and the forge. So basically a goddess of fire, while Kagutsuchi is a god of fire.

I don't think it's a necessary change (unless motivated by character limits), but it's not entirely out of nowhere. 

Posted : 29/10/2020 7:00 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter

You're not wrong and yeah the name fits, it just seems odd to have changed it in the first place since a Japanese deity fits as Rean's default MQ and the name already appeared in The 3rd. It's one of those 'not bad, just weird' changes.

Diva to Deva on the other hand makes good sense since most people are going to see that and think of a singer (as the term is already used to describe Vita) and miss the religious sense that Falcom was presumably going for. Although considering that Altina (whose default MQ it is) has a rather nice singing voice, maybe Falcom was aiming for the former after all. xD

Posted : 29/10/2020 7:38 pm
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor

@yotaka some streamers got review copies and uploaded the big spoiler scenes.

Posted : 29/10/2020 11:33 pm
Posts: 152

I hear CS 4 imports sace data from CS 1, 2, as well as 3. But I played the first 2 on ps3. Does someone have a ps4 save file with 1 and 2 complete I can use?


Still waiting for my pre order btw. =(

Posted : 30/10/2020 8:23 am
Posts: 249

Act 1 part 1 end
Hat's off to NISA for getting Gilbert's old VA back. Hearing him talk (or should that be snivel?) in proper sentences rather than battle quotes has been a highlight. And they even remembered to bring back blorf!

Alas, in choosing whether to go for bonus AP, or scan all enemies during the Rutger fight, I went with AP. Didn't think I'd be able to do it in time and given how I ended up winning on the 34th turn (playing on hard), I'd say I guessed right! D'oh well, there goes the notebook completion reward. Really not looking forward to a certain one after Act 1...

For anyone that knows, can you get max rank while ignoring those battle AP rewards?

Posted : 31/10/2020 2:38 am
Posts: 182

Still haven't made significant progress in the game, just in the beginning part of the first return to area you went to in the first game. 

Spoilers up to first returning town
Unlike CS II, Rean being completely out of the picture and having gotten a glimpse of how people around the country were reacting, this is by far more effective than CS II in shit has hit the fan. I understand the conflict here is supposed to be much bigger, but it felt like in CS II you had to get through a chunk of game before really getting an idea of how the war was affecting people and towns.

Rean having been a mainstay for 3 games just not being there and the one time we saw him was in chains is quite effective. It adds to the insanity of what is going on and was a great way to top off everything before then. Also, the game has done a good job showing how Juna, Kurt, and Altina have grown respectively. Them talking about what to do while Randy stands there not needing to give any input was a nice touch. Also, Juna makes a great MC in Reans place. She was the center of her class but Rean being the MC in III overshadowed her, so him being out of the picture let's her shine more. Her speech to old class VII and telling Altina and Kurt to shut up was just well done.

I still think CS II first act was executed well, but this feels like it's on a different level in execution. Also, lol at Randy crushing on Elliot's sister.

Posted : 31/10/2020 9:12 pm
Posts: 152

The universe is taunting me. Still didn't get my pre-order copy. But it's worse. I come home from work today seeing a game-sized package on my doorstep, I get excited... then realize it was a little too lightweight to be a game, and was actually a misdelivery for my next-door neighbor.. ugh.

Posted : 01/11/2020 3:27 am
Posts: 182


Just finished that part and all nice touches. I only got two of the bonus three AP for that battle myself on normal, and not worrying about getting all the AP on this playthrough. I remember in CS III you could miss a certain number of AP and still get the highest possible rank. Happened to me where I missed a few AP here and there and made the max amount, so I assume the same apply this game.

Posted : 01/11/2020 7:21 am
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