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Aww, but by the time that CS4 comes out in English, I buy it, and then play it to finish, you'll be telling me to come back after finishing the Calvard arc. xD

Posted : 26/03/2020 10:41 pm
Posts: 128

Does anybody know where exactly it's mentioned that normal Monsters are animals that mutated through Septium? I have this gut feeling that it's one of these basic lore bits introduced in Sky FC, but I can't for the life of me remember where this info was dropped.

Posted : 26/03/2020 11:08 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @anastraykiwi

Aww, but by the time that CS4 comes out in English, I buy it, and then play it to finish, you'll be telling me to come back after finishing the Calvard arc. xD

Maaaaaaaybe. But who knows, by the time Calvard's done we might get a definitive answer I could give without any real spoilers. This particular thing from CS4 is pretty important and you probably don't want me spoiling it for you.

Posted by: @wuolong77

Does anybody know where exactly it's mentioned that normal Monsters are animals that mutated through Septium? I have this gut feeling that it's one of these basic lore bits introduced in Sky FC, but I can't for the life of me remember where this info was dropped.

I've looked and I'm not sure it is. There's a number of places where it mentions monsters being the result of mutations and more where various abilities they possess are explicitly the result of ingested or otherwise incorporated septium but I can't find any that say they were all caused by septium.

Posted : 27/03/2020 5:51 am
Posts: 128

I've looked and I'm not sure it is. There's a number of places where it mentions monsters being the result of mutations and more where various abilities they possess are explicitly the result of ingested or otherwise incorporated septium but I can't find any that say they were all caused by septium.


Always astounding how important the fine print is. Someone from the spacebattle forum who read my crack theory asked me this and I was drawing a blank. The mutation caused by Septium is an easy correlation to make, but to think that there probably isn't any in-game text that is hard confirmation, wow.

Posted : 27/03/2020 1:35 pm
Posts: 249

Now that we know CS4's coming soon, I'm curious what a good translation for Rean's final S-Craft would be.

Minor spoiler regarding it
It'll also be a shame that we might not get the names of the forms in English, since I don't see them replacing the kanji, and putting subs in the middle of an S-Craft seems unusual...but possible, I guess!

Posted : 01/04/2020 10:49 pm
Posts: 152

Septium turning animals into monsters doesn't remotely ring a bell to me. Wouldn't really make sense either TBH. Monsters are supposedly ATTRACTED to it, so like. if it turned animals into monsters, why would they then leave and roam around when attracted to it to begin with? Plus you also get parts like new areas suddenly blasting open in a septium mine and monsters come pouring into it like frenzied sharks.

Posted : 02/04/2020 4:39 am
Posts: 128
Posted by: @ghaleon

Septium turning animals into monsters doesn't remotely ring a bell to me. Wouldn't really make sense either TBH. Monsters are supposedly ATTRACTED to it, so like. if it turned animals into monsters, why would they then leave and roam around when attracted to it to begin with? Plus you also get parts like new areas suddenly blasting open in a septium mine and monsters come pouring into it like frenzied sharks.

When I think of Septium mutations (but this is entirely headcanon with a heavy dose of speculation), I compare it to how mutations work in real life evolution theory and that is a slow process that makes itself shown only over several reproductive cycles. When we look at the fishing game starting with Zero, they also have Sepith inside them which makes me assume that just like real life chemical contaminants, the stuff is practically everywhere (or at least in the water) and therefore almost all biological organisms in Zemuria have trace amounts inside their bodies which might serve as an accelerating mutagen. But again, mutagens don't spontaneously turn an organism into something else (radioactive spider bites Peter Parker*cough*), it's an accumulative effect with a lot of trial and error that only becomes noticeable over generations and a big population.

But to clarify, this is just me trying to push some of the Kiseki lore and worldbuilding into a semi-plausible scientific framework. None of the above is proved by canon text(as far as I know), so take it with a big grain of salt.



Posted : 02/04/2020 5:57 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

Now that we know CS4's coming soon, I'm curious what a good translation for Rean's final S-Craft would be.

Minor spoiler regarding it
It'll also be a shame that we might not get the names of the forms in English, since I don't see them replacing the kanji, and putting subs in the middle of an S-Craft seems unusual...but possible, I guess!

The name on that one is tricky because it uses an archaic character.

The 仭 in 奥義・無仭剣 is an old Chinese unit of measurement for height or depth and the only way it's survived into modern Japanese usage is as a term for something really deep. The first character meanwhile is the same 'Mu' as the Seventh Form itself ('Void' but also 'Un-'/'No' and other things like that) and the last character is Sword/Blade. My instinct would be to name it something like Unfathomable Blade, which loses the obvious reference to the Form but keeps the spirit of the name. If you wanted to try and keep both and go full poetic, you might translate the whole name and end up with something like Arcana - Unfathomed Void. It's long and most of the translated Crafts drop those prefixes but it's another option.

As for the Form names, yeah, I don't see them getting Falcom to redo the cutins and subtitles would be kind of jarring. That said, those aren't the names of the Forms per se but the moves within them which Rean is chaining together as part of the attack. We can intuit the names of the remaining ones because we know some for certain and thus it's a safe assumption that the names of the Crafts contain the names of the Forms we don't know. But if you were to literally translate all those, you'd actually get a listing of a number of Rean's Crafts.

Man, I can't wait to hear Sean Chiplock voice that one. It's easily one of my favorite S-Crafts in the series.

Posted : 02/04/2020 6:03 am
Posts: 152

That brings something up worth considering. I mean normally I would handwave it as they wouldn't think of it or it's not convenient to to mesh with gameplay, but this is Kiseki. There certainly seems to be a lack of monsters in the ocean/lakes. I think there are one or two you fish, but even those ones are amphibious like frogs or something IIRC. I don't remember NPC dialogue ever talking about ships and whatever having to deal with monsters, maybe I just forgot them though.

Posted : 02/04/2020 6:06 am
Posts: 16

So I recently beat Zero, and I am fairly sure my experience was colored by what I played of Cold Steel, but I've also been known to call 'whodunnit' in a movie ridiculously early based on metaclues. 

It's shocking how effective 'the first person who wants to know how the investigation is proceeding did it and is trying to pump the detective for how much they/the police know' is as an heuristic.

I'm actually curious - among people who played Zero first, after you'd beaten it (but before you'd played Azure, so Zero spoilers only) who'd you think

Major Zero Endgame
set up Joachim?  Lloyd straight up tells Joachim 'dude, you got played' but doesn't share any insight into who exactly might have 'liberated' Joachim's most valuable asset (KeA) in a way apparently designed to cause as much trouble as possible for his second most valuable asset (his iron grip on Crossbell's underworld and government).

Well, to me, it seems fairly obvious who at least two of those people are.  And not just because I think I remember one of the names from CS2's Divertissement.  Plenty of things in Zero seem to point to one of them, and the other looks very fishy.

First - who benefits?  Everyone seems to lose here.  Except for one winner, who would obviously be Emperor Palpatine - I'm sorry, Mr. Croix.  He becomes the Mayor and most of the potential opposition is in disarray or under arrest (the latter category including the Speaker of the Diet himself).

Second - it's all so convenient.

Maribelle's never been to an Auction before, yet she happens to pick this year to attend for the first time, and decide to bail you out of a jam at a key moment.  (This is the main in-game reason to suspect her as well, other than whoever did it having to to be a cult member to know about KeA in the first place, therefore her father must be a cult member, and it's pretty unlikely her father would be a member of that kind of cult but she wouldn't.)

Not only do they have a car capable of stopping anything that Joachim's makeshift army can throw at them, they're in exactly the right place at the right time.  And they take you to a place that is more prepared than Crossbell's government is to hold off?  They almost had to have been known something.

To me, the only reasonable explanation for all of this is they deliberately set the whole thing up to force Joachim to stop thinking things through, start making rash decisions, be the architect of his own undoing, and hand them control of (I assume the cult as well as) Crossbell.

But there's the devil's advocate in me, saying to myself 'you only think all of this is obvious because you were probably spoiled and you're already pretty sure you know the answer'.  I'm curious what other people thought, who weren't.

Posted : 02/04/2020 6:11 am
Posts: 16


Actually, I remember there being straight up fish monsters, that look like fish and the whole nine yards.  They roam around on the beach and I believe in Sky, they are actually in the water in some spots.


Posted : 02/04/2020 6:59 am
Posts: 128
Posted by: @yotaka

The name on that one is tricky because it uses an archaic character.



As for the Form names, yeah, I don't see them getting Falcom to redo the cutins and subtitles would be kind of jarring. That said, those aren't the names of the Forms per se but the moves within them which Rean is chaining together as part of the attack. We can intuit the names of the remaining ones because we know some for certain and thus it's a safe assumption that the names of the Crafts contain the names of the Forms we don't know. But if you were to literally translate all those, you'd actually get a listing of a number of Rean's Crafts.

Man, I can't wait to hear Sean Chiplock voice that one. It's easily one of my favorite S-Crafts in the series.

Thanks for this explanation. An in-depth look into Eight Leaves One Blade is always welcome. One question about the forms though.

The Kiseki wiki article about the topic has names for all eight forms. Are those names verified? I assumed that before Rean's final S-Craft was unveiled, the names of a few forms were unaccounted for and filling out the blanks so to speak was based on Rean's ultimate attack. Now you say that the Kanji appearing are the Crafts within the forms, which makes me wonder what the actual form names are. I've been trying to associate the forms to the seven elements in Kiseki and the sixth Form continues to give me headaches.

Posted : 02/04/2020 1:39 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @ghaleon

That brings something up worth considering. I mean normally I would handwave it as they wouldn't think of it or it's not convenient to to mesh with gameplay, but this is Kiseki. There certainly seems to be a lack of monsters in the ocean/lakes. I think there are one or two you fish, but even those ones are amphibious like frogs or something IIRC. I don't remember NPC dialogue ever talking about ships and whatever having to deal with monsters, maybe I just forgot them though.

We haven't seen big oceanic monsters, probably because sea travel just hasn't been a thing in the franchise to date. We have encountered monsters that are clearly ocean-going though, in areas like Ruan and Ordis' beaches. We've also seen plenty of lake monsters, especially in the St. Ursula Road where there's a huge area that's all fish-monsters. CS4 also has a fun little nod to this in one of its new locations; there's a legendary monster who is totally not the Loch Ness Lake Gala Monster which one of the inhabitants is always on the lookout for.

Posted by: @lrddimwit

So I recently beat Zero, and I am fairly sure my experience was colored by what I played of Cold Steel, but I've also been known to call 'whodunnit' in a movie ridiculously early based on metaclues.

It's shocking how effective 'the first person who wants to know how the investigation is proceeding did it and is trying to pump the detective for how much they/the police know' is as an heuristic.

I'm actually curious - among people who played Zero first, after you'd beaten it (but before you'd played Azure, so Zero spoilers only) who'd you think

Major Zero Endgame
set up Joachim? Lloyd straight up tells Joachim 'dude, you got played' but doesn't share any insight into who exactly might have 'liberated' Joachim's most valuable asset (KeA) in a way apparently designed to cause as much trouble as possible for his second most valuable asset (his iron grip on Crossbell's underworld and government).

Well, to me, it seems fairly obvious who at least two of those people are. And not just because I think I remember one of the names from CS2's Divertissement. Plenty of things in Zero seem to point to one of them, and the other looks very fishy.

First - who benefits? Everyone seems to lose here. Except for one winner, who would obviously be Emperor Palpatine - I'm sorry, Mr. Croix. He becomes the Mayor and most of the potential opposition is in disarray or under arrest (the latter category including the Speaker of the Diet himself).

Second - it's all so convenient.

Maribelle's never been to an Auction before, yet she happens to pick this year to attend for the first time, and decide to bail you out of a jam at a key moment. (This is the main in-game reason to suspect her as well, other than whoever did it having to to be a cult member to know about KeA in the first place, therefore her father must be a cult member, and it's pretty unlikely her father would be a member of that kind of cult but she wouldn't.)

Not only do they have a car capable of stopping anything that Joachim's makeshift army can throw at them, they're in exactly the right place at the right time. And they take you to a place that is more prepared than Crossbell's government is to hold off? They almost had to have been known something.

To me, the only reasonable explanation for all of this is they deliberately set the whole thing up to force Joachim to stop thinking things through, start making rash decisions, be the architect of his own undoing, and hand them control of (I assume the cult as well as) Crossbell.

But there's the devil's advocate in me, saying to myself 'you only think all of this is obvious because you were probably spoiled and you're already pretty sure you know the answer'. I'm curious what other people thought, who weren't.

Exposure to the Cold Steel games definitely helps point to that. I'm trying to remember now exactly who I was most suspicious of and I think it was actually

Zero/Ao endgame
Wazy, for completely the wrong reasons. Want to talk about people who shouldn't be at that auction? Hi there, gang leader who is clearly more than he appears. Now I'm kicking myself for not figuring out his real secret before the fight with Wald in Ao heavily teased it. But yeah, I think he was number one on my list based on his being there as well, how he ingratiates himself with your investigation and being generally shifty. I was also pretty suspicious of Arios but finding out his connection to Guy made me drop my guard, apparently just as planned.

I didn't solidly peg the Crois' for being the masterminds until That Scene in Ao (sadly lost with the full voicing in Evo and the upcoming Kai port) where Mariabell is suddenly voiced for the first time when she talks to KeA. All your observations are dead-on, for my part I dismissed them simply because they were so damned helpful to the SSS compared to... pretty much everyone else in Crossbell. And they seemed to genuinely care for the state and until we learned what the Azure Zero Plan meant, that made them look pretty upstanding. And Mariabell is Elie's best friend so... yeah. It really wasn't until the end of Chapter 4 in Ao that you really really get hit with the realization that in this series, it's entirely possible that everyone is out to get you. xD

Speaking of whodunnits and apropos of nothing, have you seen Knives Out?

Posted by: @wuolong77
Posted by: @yotaka

The name on that one is tricky because it uses an archaic character.



As for the Form names, yeah, I don't see them getting Falcom to redo the cutins and subtitles would be kind of jarring. That said, those aren't the names of the Forms per se but the moves within them which Rean is chaining together as part of the attack. We can intuit the names of the remaining ones because we know some for certain and thus it's a safe assumption that the names of the Crafts contain the names of the Forms we don't know. But if you were to literally translate all those, you'd actually get a listing of a number of Rean's Crafts.

Man, I can't wait to hear Sean Chiplock voice that one. It's easily one of my favorite S-Crafts in the series.

Thanks for this explanation. An in-depth look into Eight Leaves One Blade is always welcome. One question about the forms though.

The Kiseki wiki article about the topic has names for all eight forms. Are those names verified? I assumed that before Rean's final S-Craft was unveiled, the names of a few forms were unaccounted for and filling out the blanks so to speak was based on Rean's ultimate attack. Now you say that the Kanji appearing are the Crafts within the forms, which makes me wonder what the actual form names are. I've been trying to associate the forms to the seven elements in Kiseki and the sixth Form continues to give me headaches.

@jumpyjunpei You might find this interesting too

Eight Leaves One Blade (minor CS4)
They haven't been verified in the sense of an official publication released post-CS4 listing off all the forms and using those names, no. I might drop into the wiki's Discord and bring it up, since I think a very solid case can be made for those not being the actual Form names. Rean has previously said the Form number followed by a Craft name that we know isn't the name of the Form itself (most obviously when he's cutting Cedric free of the Vermillion Apocalypse and calls out 'Seventh Form - Enlightened Domination', since we know the Seventh Form is named Void) so I suspect that's what's happening with his final S-Craft.

For the record, what we see in that Craft and my own guesses at the corresponding Form names, starting with the localized names to give you an idea what this looks like:

壱ノ型 螺旋撃 (First Form: Helix) [literally 'Helix Strike']
弍ノ型 疾風 (Second Form: Gale)
参ノ型 業炎撃 (Third Form: Flame Impact) [literally 'Hellfire Strike']
肆ノ型 紅葉切り (Fourth Form: Autumn Leaf Cutter)
伍ノ型 残月 (Fifth Form: Morning Moon)
陸ノ型 緋空斬 (Sixth Form: Crimson Slash) [literally 'Scarlet Sky Slash']
漆ノ型 無想覇斬 (Seventh Form: Enlightened Domination) [literally 'Empty-Mind Domination Slash']

The reason I think these incorporate the names of the Forms rather than actually being the names goes back to Enlightened Domination in CS2. We know from literally every time the Form is talked about directly that the Seventh is Void. Enlightened Domination incorporates the character. We also know from Ao that the First Form is specifically Helix rather than 'Helix Strike', I figure it's likely the others are similar. My personal guesses are that the Second Form is 業炎 (it's a variant of the word for hellfire, or in Buddhist terms the flames that burn an evildoer), the Fourth is 紅葉 (Autumn Leaves) and the Sixth is 緋空 (Scarlet Sky).

Like I said, those are my guesses but I think from context it's fairly clear that those aren't meant to be taken as the actual Form names.

Posted : 02/04/2020 5:50 pm
Posts: 16

I have seen Knives Out, and it is a great movie that I would recommend to basically everyone, possibly excepting folks who just straight up hate detective stories.

Posted : 02/04/2020 7:00 pm
Posts: 249

That was interesting! Watching Kimetsu no Yaiba recently was fun, because of how much the sword forms in that reminded me of the Eight Leaves.

CS4 & the 3rd
It's curious that three of the forms seem to incorporate fire. I wonder if that's Rean's influence or just how it is. I don't recall any of Cassius's moves being particularly flaming. Also, I do appreciate how much detail Falcom put into this, so I'm hoping Taito gets similarly expanded upon when we go to Calvard (still banking on the protag being a practitioner).

Posted : 02/04/2020 9:36 pm
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