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Crack Theory post.

Thanks. I hope it's a fun read. Feedback or discussion would be much appreciated. If you think I made stupid leaps in logic or disregarded canon or my premise is flawed, please tell me and I'll see whether I can salvage the ashes. If by any chance, my theory sparks further theory of your own, I for one would be glad to read it.

Spoiler for all Kiseki games up to CS3
The Nature of Septium. 
Today's crack theory is about the nature of Septium. What it is made of, how it is formed and some hints of where it might ultimately come from. In an attempt to answer these questions, I would like to direct the focus on a collectible novel series that is much overlooked: Back-Alley Doctor Glenn.

The premise of Back-Alley Doctor Gleen is quickly told. An anti-hero physician is asked to cure an incurable disease. He succeeds. What is interesting though is the disease itself. It's called 'crystallization' and manifests itself by turning a person into crystal. It starts at the extremities like the hands or feet, but the organic conversion process doesn't stop and after about a month, it reaches the heart and the patient dies. And about the crystal - it's pretty much spelled out that it's either Septium or a material very similar to Septium. In case of the patient who is an aspiring violinist, his hands have been turned to Esmelas. The underlying cause of the crystallization is revealed during the story: a tumor-like growth that fuses with the heart and pumps toxins through the bloodstream, which in turn causes organic matter to turn into Septium. Once the toxin-producing tumor is removed, the converted tissue reverts back to its original composition.

Now going from here, let's ask the following questions. What if this phenomenon of turning normal matter into Septium Crystal is far more common than a medical curiosity? It is after all the first time we witness the creation of Septium, its genesis in any kind, shape or form. What if all the Septium that is the key ressource of the Orbal Revolution has once been matter that could be found on the Periodic Table of Elements? But through some kind of unknown 'growth', it has been turned into the magical crystals of the Kiseki setting?


For a series with such painstaking worldbuilding, where pretty much every item in your inventory is integrated into the setting, the U-Material sticks out like a sore thumb. Since the Cold Steel Arc, the player even knows the background of the mysterious Zemurian Ore, but the U-Material is still treated as an unknown despite it's multitude of uses. Most readers can already see where I'm going with this. If we assume that the U-Material's identity is this dark tumor from the Doctor Glenn novel, or at least something similar, a lot of things fall into place. Zero no Kiseki is also the first game where the stuff appears. The same game as the Dr Glenn novel. Coincidence?

The most common source of U-Material are monster drops, in other words organic matter. There's of course the question why monsters doesn't succumb to crystallization, but we know from game lore that monsters were once naturally occuring wildlife that have mutated through the influence of ingested Septium. Mutations are a crucial part of biological evolution and Septium is implied to accelerate it. It wouldn't be strange to assume that the monsters we encounter and do drop U-Material are the ones whose bodies adapted to the potentially fatal effect of such a tumor. This is after all natural selection. 

Of course, natural selection implies that a lot of lifeforms or biological species didn't make the cut. But then again, Doctor Glenn implies that an untreated patient's body turns almost entirely into Septium. And all the deposits that are mined to keep the Orbal Revolution going have to come from somewhere. If we think of fossil fuels in real life, my above theory shouldn't be that outlandish. They are made of converted biological matter after all. 

Now let's see what U-Material does for our heroes: It upgrades equipment, accessories and Quartz. Now, if we assume that one key reason why characters like Rean can perform flaming slashes is due to their weapons containing septium parts, the U-Material might be used to either purify existing Septium parts on the weapon or give a steel blade some kind of alternating Septium-metal structure that would be too difficult to create by using traditional smithing methods. This part of my argument assumes that this unknown 'growth' can convert other elements beside carbon, oxygen, nitrogen as well as hydrogen into Septium. (I won't bother listing trace elements that are found in the human body like Edward Eldric from FMA does.)

Septium Veins

Here is where we enter into really cracky territory. While my current argument might explain the mundane Septium occurences, the Septium Veins are another matter entirely. While we aren't given exact details of their scale, they are implied to be gigantic. There's another point that makes it unlikely that they were formed from converted lifeforms. They possess a multitude of powerful magical functions which implies that their formation and structure obeys certain laws or some kind of internal logic/order. Randomly accumulated Septium certainly doesn't allow the heroes to use a Spirit Path or cultivate Pleroma Flowers with all the creepy functionality that they bring to the table. So why do they exist?


Falcom recently published a map of the full Zemurian continent, although most of the locations that the games didn't visit are covered under a fog of war. What a lot of people noticed was the relative location of the Holy City Arteria, right in the heart of the Zemurian landmass. But what if Arteria's location at the heart of the continent isn't merely a figure of speech? Our Dominions, tight lipped as they are, still dropped some interesting bits of lore throughout the games. We know from Kevin that the Primal Ground under Grancel Cathedral is a replica of the original Primal Ground in Arteria. We can infer further that the Primal Ground under Heimdallr Cathedral that was moved under Carel Imperial Villa is a similar case. We also know from Ao no Kiseki and Wazy that the Arterian Primal Ground is connected to the Septium Veins. That of course explains why the Curse of Erebonia was so quickly spread along the Septium Veins, once the Sacred Beast was slain in CS3. So let us go back to our little novel of Doctor Glenn which states that the Septium Conversion originates from an unknown growth in the heart. Arteria's name itself refers to arteries and veins are just the flip side of arteries in a blood circulatory system. Does that mean that there is some unknown entity located inside the Arterian Primal Ground? A kind of growth that is many orders of magnitude more potent than the U-Material and pumps toxins through the arteries (or veins) of the Earth, converting natural matter into Septium on a large scale?


A lot of fantasy settings use Ley Lines, which is a concept that also exists in real world spiritual and religious traditions. They are thought of as paths of spiritual power that persons with the right training and esoteric knowledge can channel to perform miracles or great feats of magic. Important historical buildings or monuments of old were often build on top of such Ley Lines which was said to bring fortune and blessings. I thought for the longest time that the Septium Veins were simply Falcom's personal twist on this Ley-Line trope or idea. The Septian Church Cathedrals above the Primal Grounds alone already overlap with the real world practice of erecting important buildings above a Ley-Line or Dragon Stream as they are called in East Asia. But what if the curse unleashed in CS3, or in fact all the Ouroboros shenanigans to disturb the Septium Veins were a misdirection in a way? The Septium Veins were 'infected' with the curse and once the heroes go to remove said curse, the dark taint is purged, restoring the spiritual network beneath the Zemurian ground to it's 'healthy' state.
It's a natural assumption to make and a very good measure to conceal the fact that the Septium Veins were never healthy to begin with, that they are in fact the symptoms of a disease.
I propose that the natural Zemurian continent once possessed a Ley-Line system like any other vanilla fantasy setting. Given that we know Pre-Collapse society and the Septerrion to utilize Septium Veins, the conversion of the Ley-Lines was most likely a deliberate act (just like present day Zemurian engineers deliberately use U-Material). A reason could be because Septium Veins allowed for more powerful techniques to be utilized, like long distance teleportation or the accruing of orbal energy to form Zemurian Ore. Things that the vanilla Ley-Lines didn't offer. After the Collapse, the Church discovered it, but recognized some kind of danger or negative cost. They built Arteria with the dual purpose of concealing as well as containing the growth. The desertification that is mentioned by Yun-Ka Fai or Angelica might be a sign that the containment is slipping. It wouldn't be the first time. We need only look at the case of Zoro-Agruga.

Additional comments

As mentioned above the Dr Glenn Novel says that the Conversion process is reversible once the growth is cut out. Now one could argue that this disease defeats it's own effect by stopping the heart once it's crystallized, therefore stopping the distribution of the toxins, so the dead body reverses back to its original form. The only somehow vague counter-argument I have is that for organic tissue to revert back, the organism has to be alive.

Another way for the really big Septium deposits to form, like the Malga Mine in Liberl or the Mainz Mine in Crossbell is through metastasis. The unknown growth is specifically stated in the novel to be a tumor and we know from real-life cancer how it behaves late-stage. I already noted that elements outside from those found in organic matter can be converted, so there is the possibility that the main 'tumor' in Arteria metastized and threw out flecks of lesser U-Material through the Septium Veins to infect part of Zemurian earth crust to convert it into Septium.The Nature of Septium. 

Posted : 13/03/2020 5:56 pm
Posts: 16

I'm going to pretend to apologize for this one in advance.


So, it's 3/14 in some parts of the world already.  Are were there yet?  How about now?  (And yes, I fully expect the answer to be 'If you don't pipe down back there, so help me, I'll pull this forum right over to the side of the internets!')

Posted : 13/03/2020 6:33 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter

@wuolong77 Nice theory! Offhand I can't think of anything that openly contradicts it and you just reminded me that I really need to set aside the time to do a reread of some of the novels for things like this. One minor tidbit that first came up in Sen III that's related but doesn't affect the theory in any way I can see:

Sen III endgame
The 'Spirit Veins' as the Septium Veins were historically called in Erebonia are also referred to directly as Ley Lines via furigana, so Falcom does seem to intend that the Veins are their version of the concept, and as early as SC it was mentioned that the 'Dragon Veins' are the Eastern name used for the same thing. Falcom seems to have done some homework here.

An interesting quirk is that while Spirit Veins get referred to with the Ley Line furigana in Japanese, when Valimar opens the Spirit Path to get himself and the Soldats into the Grail, in Japanese the term gets furigana indicating the word is meant to be read as 'Ether Line'. It hadn't previously gotten furigana, so two terms related to the Veins got 'official' names within the same game. This was one of the terms that didn't make it into the localization, probably because Spirit Path was well established and it's hard to pull the kind of 'this expression has two readings' thing with English.


Posted : 15/03/2020 7:00 am
Posts: 128
Posted by: @yotaka

@wuolong77 Nice theory! Offhand I can't think of anything that openly contradicts it and you just reminded me that I really need to set aside the time to do a reread of some of the novels for things like this. One minor tidbit that first came up in Sen III that's related but doesn't affect the theory in any way I can see

Sen III endgame
The 'Spirit Veins' as the Septium Veins were historically called in Erebonia are also referred to directly as Ley Lines via furigana, so Falcom does seem to intend that the Veins are their version of the concept, and as early as SC it was mentioned that the 'Dragon Veins' are the Eastern name used for the same thing. Falcom seems to have done some homework here.

An interesting quirk is that while Spirit Veins get referred to with the Ley Line furigana in Japanese, when Valimar opens the Spirit Path to get himself and the Soldats into the Grail, in Japanese the term gets furigana indicating the word is meant to be read as 'Ether Line'. It hadn't previously gotten furigana, so two terms related to the Veins got 'official' names within the same game. This was one of the terms that didn't make it into the localization, probably because Spirit Path was well established and it's hard to pull the kind of 'this expression has two readings' thing with English.


About the novels, yeah. Carnelia, Red Moon Rose and 3&9 - and arguably Gambler Jack are all novels that hand us characters who appear later (relative to publication date in-game) or are likely to appear in the future, so they tend to generate the most attention. It was Hellseye47's article on Zemurian' Darkest Day and how he used the 31 Zypress Trees from FC to buttress his theory that got me thinking that perhaps every single novel series in Kiseki might contain hints of what is to come.

That and a discussion in spacebattle when a member wondered whether the Doll Knight Series from SC could hint at more than just what happens immediately after, considering that we get to read the whole series by ourselves in the Calvardian Embassy.

And even now, I haven't touched the mini-novel series from CS3 like the 'Life of Tomatrio'.

And thanks for your input about the Ley-Line furigana. I'll add this to the article and perhaps shorten some other parts. If Falcom themselves called them like this, then I don't need to bring up the real-life-historical references in such detail.

Now only two technicalities before I post this on Delicious Crack. If I understand correctly, pictures for the article must be uploaded via imgur and the imgur-links posted in the article?

Mind if I mention your help as well as the Romancia site in the teaser?

Posted : 15/03/2020 8:07 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter

That and a discussion in spacebattle when a member wondered whether the Doll Knight Series from SC could hint at more than just what happens immediately after, considering that we get to read the whole series by ourselves in the Calvardian Embassy.

The Doll Knight is... interesting. Because it's actually not from Kiseki originally but was imported wholesale from the final game of the Gagharv Trilogy and actually mentions Weltluna (the region where Cagesong of the Ocean takes place) by name. There, it's a clear fictionalization of the Rosette Studio whose members clearly inspired Albert and Tita Russel (Aida also has a bit of proto-Estelle in her) and to a lesser extent the Rosenberg Studio from the Crossbell games, with the character of Capri being based on an actual animated doll that the studio had made.

It would just be an interesting callback if not for the fact that in the story itself, the Thirteen Factories are mentioned, which means that the references work in both directions. Let's just say we've been trying to figure this one out for a long time. xD

Now only two technicalities before I post this on Delicious Crack. If I understand correctly, pictures for the article must be uploaded via imgur and the imgur-links posted in the article?

Mind if I mention your help as well as the Romancia site in the teaser?

If you want to, go ahead. And the way it works with images is that if you have a specific image you want to use, provide a link to it (it doesn't have to be imgur, other hosting sites work too) and someone on the editing side will do the actual uploading.

Posted : 15/03/2020 6:31 pm
Wuolong77 reacted
Posts: 8

All games
What's up with the activation of septium veins? What causes it, and what are its effects?

Posted : 18/03/2020 12:36 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
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Posted by: @velorien

All games
What's up with the activation of septium veins? What causes it, and what are its effects?

Sorry about the delay in response, life's been a bit busy recently.

Whole Series but mainly CS3/4
Septium Veins always have energy flowing through them, or at least they’re supposed to. The talk of the veins in the East becoming depleted makes it sound like that flow of energy is stopping and locally it’s assumed that this depletion is causing a desertification phenomenon that’s impacting the region. We don’t really know if that’s the right cause and effect relationship but for now it’s as good a theory as any.

We know that aside from whatever is going on in the East, there are ways to excite the veins (Divine Knights do this by their very presence and Vermillion Apocalypse had an even stronger effect), to alter the flow of energy (the Gospel that Walter was testing) or to channel it for specific purposes (why so many ancient sites seem to have been built atop them, including the Spirit Shrines and sites in Crossbell) so these things are really influential. We know that when the veins are excited, certain things are possible that can't normally be done, like the Magic Knights activating (they draw power from them) the Reverie Corridor appearing in the Old Schoolhouse and Pleroma Flowers blooming at a vastly accelerated rate. Whether especially activate or not, the veins can also be used as a conduit for certain forms of energy in addition to what naturally flows through them, which is important in Crossbell's plot. And then there's things that can be done via the veins like travelling the Spirit Path.
Posted : 20/03/2020 7:10 pm
Posts: 128

Just wanted to ask about the Crack article - I submitted it almost 4 days ago and it still isn't up. Are there any problems on the technical side? (like did my post never made it through?) Or were you guys too busy?

Posted : 21/03/2020 12:28 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @wuolong77

Just wanted to ask about the Crack article - I submitted it almost 4 days ago and it still isn't up. Are there any problems on the technical side? (like did my post never made it through?) Or were you guys too busy?

Busy, definitely busy. It's up now though.


Posted : 23/03/2020 4:21 pm
Posts: 79
Kiseki Crack Editor
Posted by: @wuolong77

Just wanted to ask about the Crack article - I submitted it almost 4 days ago and it still isn't up. Are there any problems on the technical side? (like did my post never made it through?) Or were you guys too busy?

Just a heads up. 4 days is not a long wait for any editorial process. No one is getting paid to review Kiseki fan theories. In fact, for any sort of peer-review editing, hearing back within 2 weeks is considered fast and that's with hundreds of potential reviewers. There are only five of us and we're often busy. 

Posted : 23/03/2020 8:41 pm
Posts: 128

@hellseye47 and Yotaka

Understood. I absolutely didn't want to rush you guys, more concerned with making sure that my post was  inside the pipeline at all. Thanks a lot for your continued work and replying to me.


Posted : 23/03/2020 10:16 pm
Posts: 14

Hey, question regarding Nayuta, I've heard here and there the discussion about whether or not it is cannon, and with the renewed interest concerning the font of Hajimari, I was wondering what exactly is/are the "massive, head-flipping" lore changes if it is cannon? And just to make it more difficult for you guys, no spoilers past

CS2 Endgame Spoiler
[The infernal castle, I just finished the fight with Lance maiden lackey #1 and the world's most annoying and (occasionally) intriguing pest in white. (but I have played every kiseki game before CS2 including Crossbell)] Thanks in advance! 🙂

Posted : 25/03/2020 5:27 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @anastraykiwi

Hey, question regarding Nayuta, I've heard here and there the discussion about whether or not it is cannon, and with the renewed interest concerning the font of Hajimari, I was wondering what exactly is/are the "massive, head-flipping" lore changes if it is cannon? And just to make it more difficult for you guys, no spoilers past

CS2 Endgame Spoiler
[The infernal castle, I just finished the fight with Lance maiden lackey #1 and the world's most annoying and (occasionally) intriguing pest in white. (but I have played every kiseki game before CS2 including Crossbell)] Thanks in advance! 🙂

Ahhh, explaining the issues with Nayuta being canon can't be done in full with that restriction but I'll do what I can. You can just assume that there's a very big issue I'm not mentioning which we currently have no way of easily explaining away.

Kiseki series through CS2
So if Nayuta is canon, there are a couple of 'flip the table' bits of lore that would be implicated. The most likely setting for Nayuta if it were to take place in the main continuity would be somewhere during the Dark Ages because it's about the only time we could possibly have the presence of Zemurian Ore and also an environment when enough knowledge might be lost that people could somehow forget that there used to be two moons in the sky. The reason this is important is that Lost Heaven/Terra was 'hiding' in orbit as a second moon for a long time but by the end of Nayuta it's gone and we're told that it won't return for decades or centuries.

In turn the reason that second moon is important is that at some point in the distant past, the Mythos existed and they don't fit into our current understanding of Zemuria's history and their powers don't fit either. I need to go back to the Japanese script where it talks about their powers and how they compare to the creator gods, because if it's obviously in the plural there it would be another thing that doesn't fit since Zemuria only has one creator goddess.

Another table-flipping bit would be the fact that if Nayuta is canon, it means that Towa would almost have to be connected to it and that would just open up an insane rabbit hole that would make Wonderland look sane and understandable by comparison.

Posted : 25/03/2020 9:56 pm
Posts: 14

@yotaka Okay, thanks. So, when should I come back so that you can explain the rest? 😜


CS2 Endgame spoilers
[/Man! That fight with McBurn was crazy! Dropping terms like Lowe and the divergent laws! Also, that was probably the most hype that I've been all game. (P.S. I can't be the only person the thinks that McBurn's name (both his title and "real"? name, I mean all I can think about is McDonalds...) are kind of ridiculous]


Posted : 26/03/2020 1:41 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter

Come back after finishing Cold Steel 4. xD

Posted : 26/03/2020 5:11 pm
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