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Are we given an explanation of what language/what culture the language is from that the Black Records are written in?

Posted : 06/03/2020 4:58 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
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Posted by: @zwabbit

Are we given an explanation of what language/what culture the language is from that the Black Records are written in?

Sort of, and it doesn't help as much as one might think.

CS4 Endgame
The final volume is the one where the author identifies themselves, claiming to be the Third Causality Recording Engine 'AZOTH' which was activated by the 'first Arnor' shortly after the Great Collapse and given the task of recording the true history of Erebonia for as long as possible. We know that AZOTH is an Artifact of some kind and given the timeframe it would have been writing in a language known at that time but which obviously isn't well-known in the present. Written pre-Collapse texts from Liberl are perfectly readable in the present era without any translation, which suggests that there hasn't been much linguistic drift in 1200 years. My guess is that the language of the Black Records was probably picked precisely because it wasn't the common tongue of the region, to prevent just anyone from reading them even if they managed to find a copy as Rean does, and it was something that was obscure even back in the day.

TLDR: It's something that had to have existed pre-Collapse for the first Arnors to be able to read it themselves but it probably wasn't commonly known or it should have been easier to translate in the present era.


Posted : 06/03/2020 10:27 pm
Posts: 12

I'm reminded more and more of the old Xenogears game, wherein we end up learning that the human civilization on the world we're at is actually descended from a screwed up colonization effort, and the ultimate big bads that we're fighting are basically remnant AI systems from the ship that brought everyone there. I'm also getting Chromed Shelled Regios vibes as well.

Posted : 08/03/2020 9:40 pm
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Falcom Romantic Admin
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Something something You Shall Be As Gods. 😀

I've never heard of the latter but mentioning it in the same context as Kiseki and Xenogears means I've got to see what it's about, even if it's only some tangential thematic connection. If you want some crack theorizing based on the end of CS4 and what we've seen so far of Hajimari:

Whole Series
Dear lord, more possibilities opened up with one line from Campanella than almost anything else this series has spawned, when he talks about Ouroboros observing the fates of the Sept-Terrion 'in this possible world'. Given that the word used is specifically the way it's written to refer to the philosophical concept and the way that Zemuria is separated from the Outside by a barrier and suddenly there's a lot of options opening up, some of which fit very nicely with CS4 having two endings and the suggestion in one of the recent Hajimari screenshots that somehow, both 'really happened'. And right now we don't know whether the purpose of this barrier is to keep the Outside out of Zemuria or to keep the Zemurians in...

To further the Xenogears comment you made, the name for the next phase of the Orpheus Plan is 永劫回帰, which is the Japanese translation for Nietzsche's concept of Eternal Recurrence, which heavily influenced Xenogears and Xenosaga. One possibility, just guessing based on the name, is that the Grandmaster is somehow cycling through possible outcomes of the world that is Zemuria until this mysterious 'Nothingness of All' arrives and waiting until a possible world in which the Nothingness is averted comes about, with this phase of Orpheus acting as the 'In case of Nothingness, break glass and reset the timeline' panic button. It might also explain the Grandmaster's prescience, if she's not actually seeing the future but instead predicting the most likely outcome based on previous iterations.

My gut instinct is that there's at least a little more at work than just 'keep repeating the cycle until we get it right' because that's almost exactly what Xenosaga did in the end and I'm fairly certain Falcom is aware of it. Not sure exactly what it might be yet but I'm willing to bet good money that the Normal Ending of CS4 was somehow 'close enough' that elements from it are able to manifest in the post-CS4 Zemuria that represents the current timeline. Like, say, a very unhappy Rean who's now fused with a badly weakened Ishmelga showing up in front of 'our' Rean. Something similar happened in Crossbell with bits of the original timeline bleeding into the revised one.

Posted : 09/03/2020 8:19 pm
Posts: 12

Yeah, the relation with Regios is more tangential in terms of the whole 'closed ecosystem' sort of thing.

Well, I suppose it depends on when Falcom first finalized the original conception for the Kiseki overaching storyline.

That being said, a bit of random crack. If things from imperfect iterations can 'bleed' into the existing primary, it implies an interesting question about how much accumulated 'cruft' is left over after the Grandmaster or whatever system is used to perform the resets doesn't garbage collect thoroughly enough. This then adds a little bit of randomness that might then perturb whatever projections the Grandmaster is making. Now she could be allowing this intentionally, or this might be beyond her ability to clean up because her control is not absolute.

So, if her control really is imperfect and we have all these bits and pieces that are left behind and might randomly intrude, it would be very interesting if in the grand finale, all of her planning becomes threatened when those bits and pieces force their way back in to try to bring it all crashing down. So, it might not just be your unhappy Rean that might show up. 😛

Posted : 10/03/2020 4:53 pm
Posts: 249

Oh boy, it's that time of year again: analyzing every frame of whatever paltry amount of footage Falcom toss our way! The last shot of that trailer...oh boy.


I'm wondering if that mech with the SSS in that group shot is one that Juna's piloting, or something else. Looks a little smaller there.

Posted : 11/03/2020 11:17 am
Posts: 128

Short question. The Kiseki Wiki about Remiferia mentions that their military has developed a martial-art that combines eastern forms and orbal arts. Does the style have a name and are further details given about the nature of the style, be it lore or gameplay?

Posted : 11/03/2020 4:40 pm
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Falcom Romantic Admin
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Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

Oh boy, it's that time of year again: analyzing every frame of whatever paltry amount of footage Falcom toss our way! The last shot of that trailer...oh boy.


I'm wondering if that mech with the SSS in that group shot is one that Juna's piloting, or something else. Looks a little smaller there.

Yeah, there's lots of good stuff in that trailer.

Hajimari teaser
That's one of the Zaubersoldats from CS4, it's got a weird name that's almost but not quite the German word Zwerg, which is what I'm calling it until an official localization says otherwise; Kiseki Wiki uses Sorge for it. Anyhow, it's the base model and the Zaubersoldat equivalent to the Drakkhen. Juna seems to be piloting it during the infiltration since it's carrying one of her gunbreakers and I'm guessing the size between shots is just a perspective trick since it's kneeling in a very hunched-over pose at the end and part of its lower body might still be hanging outside the tower.

Posted by: @wuolong77

Short question. The Kiseki Wiki about Remiferia mentions that their military has developed a martial-art that combines eastern forms and orbal arts. Does the style have a name and are further details given about the nature of the style, be it lore or gameplay?

It's somewhere from Akatsuki no Kiseki and I'm rather behind on that myself so I haven't seen the part of the game where it comes up yet. I can ping Gu4n to check if he knows more or see if he's got a text dump of the latest updates to search through.

Posted : 11/03/2020 4:50 pm
Posts: 128
Posted by: @yotaka

It's somewhere from Akatsuki no Kiseki and I'm rather behind on that myself so I haven't seen the part of the game where it comes up yet. I can ping Gu4n to check if he knows more or see if he's got a text dump of the latest updates to search through.

If it's not too much hassle for Gu4n, that would be great. I'm something of a martial-arts enthusiast and I failed at getting a Chinese account for Akatsuki running.

Posted : 11/03/2020 7:02 pm
Posts: 249
Posted by: @yotaka


It's somewhere from Akatsuki no Kiseki and I'm rather behind on that myself so I haven't seen the part of the game where it comes up yet. I can ping Gu4n to check if he knows more or see if he's got a text dump of the latest updates to search through.

I know Guan's not exactly a huge fan of Akatsuki, but how do you find it? Judging by you being behind in it, I'm guessing that might be my answer lol.

Posted : 11/03/2020 8:16 pm
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Falcom Romantic Admin
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I'll admit that Falcom announcing it was officially a 'parallel world' and the story wasn't canon to the main games cooled my enthusiasm a bit, but mainly it's the way you have to finish certain challenge missions to progress the main plot that left me taking pauses from the game since they're not really relevant to the story or your ability to progress the gameplay. One thing really nice about Akatsuki is that you can 'borrow' the characters of people in your friends list (and people in their lists etc) which means that you can tackle quests that are higher-leveled than your current party and use characters you might not have unlocked with the gacha mechanics. I like that, I like the feel of the gameplay and I've liked a lot of the little quests they've added and I really like the new characters. It's just the progression that's annoyed me and so I tend to put off catching up in favor of other games.

And you're right that Gu4n isn't really a fan either, but he's further in than I am and he's the one who mentioned that tidbit about Remiferia so hopefully he'll remember the details. The most recent script dump predates the edit so I'll just have to ask and see if he remembers, or can at least tell me how far into the game it is.

Posted : 11/03/2020 10:17 pm
Posts: 128
Posted by: @yotaka

I like that, I like the feel of the gameplay and I've liked a lot of the little quests they've added and I really like the new characters. It's just the progression that's annoyed me and so I tend to put off catching up in favor of other games.

As I'm unlikely to play Akatsuki, what is so likeable about the new characters? Are the two protagonists also included?


I've finished the rough draft of a Crack-Article, but to cover my bases, I would like to field a question or two.


1. Does the games at any point explain what U-Material is? I figure the most likely place to drop some lore would be when they were introduced in Zero by Guillaume, but my memory is fuzzy on if he actually tells something of substance. I'm not keen on starting another playthrough given the imminent release of the geofront patch and I don't have a save-file close to the scene unfortunately.

2. Is there anything lore-shattering revealed about the nature of Septium Veins in CS4 that totally flips around what we previously knew about them? I admittedly hurried through the later half of the game (traditional Chinese *cough*), so I fear something might have slipped past me.

Posted : 12/03/2020 5:45 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter


Posted by: @wuolong77

As I'm unlikely to play Akatsuki, what is so likeable about the new characters? Are the two protagonists also included?


Yeah, they are. Chloe is tons of fun because she's so incredibly chuuni, acts like she's living out a picaresque romance (she even uses that exact term), gives her swords and her Crafts grandiose names because they sound so cool and generally believes that sheer guts will get her through anything... and to the constant annoyance of the more level-headed Nacht, it keeps working for her. For his part, Nacht is there to balance out Chloe. Ronaldo is the one adult of the main group (in largely the same sense that Randy is the adult of the SSS with all that implies) and gives us another look at someone who's lived in Crossbell their whole life, with tie-ins to the major background events of that arc. And then there's Lif who is... Lif. She's the only original character from Akatsuki who's been impliedly mentioned in the main games which suggests that some version of her is canon even if the overall story isn't. Imagine Scrooge McDuck as a bratty teenage girl and you'll have an idea of her character. She runs her own company, is very good at making lots of money and her real name is Princess Lifthrasir von Bartholomeus. So yeah, lots of fun, especially since the bulk of the story involves Remiferia.

1. Does the games at any point explain what U-Material is? I figure the most likely place to drop some lore would be when they were introduced in Zero by Guillaume, but my memory is fuzzy on if he actually tells something of substance. I'm not keen on starting another playthrough given the imminent release of the geofront patch and I don't have a save-file close to the scene unfortunately.

U-Material and the more rare T-Material are described as substances of unknown origin, which can't be analyzed and which people have discovered can be used to upgrade equipment but in-universe the characters admit they don't know much about it, only what they've discovered they can do with it.

2. Is there anything lore-shattering revealed about the nature of Septium Veins in CS4 that totally flips around what we previously knew about them? I admittedly hurried through the later half of the game (traditional Chinese *cough*), so I fear something might have slipped past me.

Not really. We knew from CS3 that something is happening in the east that's causing the veins there to become depleted and that's assumed to be having an impact on the land itself but CS4 doesn't add anything to their fundamental nature.

Posted : 12/03/2020 5:45 pm
Posts: 128
Posted by: @yotaka


Yeah, they are. Chloe is tons of fun because she's so incredibly chuuni, acts like she's living out a picaresque romance (she even uses that exact term), gives her swords and her Crafts grandiose names because they sound so cool and generally believes that sheer guts will get her through anything... and to the constant annoyance of the more level-headed Nacht, it keeps working for her. For his part, Nacht is there to balance out Chloe. Ronaldo is the one adult of the main group (in largely the same sense that Randy is the adult of the SSS with all that implies) and gives us another look at someone who's lived in Crossbell their whole life, with tie-ins to the major background events of that arc. And then there's Lif who is... Lif. She's the only original character from Akatsuki who's been impliedly mentioned in the main games which suggests that some version of her is canon even if the overall story isn't. Imagine Scrooge McDuck as a bratty teenage girl and you'll have an idea of her character. She runs her own company, is very good at making lots of money and her real name is Princess Lifthrasir von Bartholomeus. So yeah, lots of fun, especially since the bulk of the story involves Remiferia.

Thanks a bunch for the explanation. I get serious SSS vibes from this cast, though they sound distinct enough to stand on their own. And Scrooge McDuck as bratty teenage girl... I almost wish they would have gone that way with Alisa.

Not really. We knew from CS3 that something is happening in the east that's causing the veins there to become depleted and that's assumed to be having an impact on the land itself but CS4 doesn't add anything to their fundamental nature.

Okay, this is good for the most part, because there isn't some side-dialogue that shatters my theory to itty-little bits. Hajimari can do it of course, but that's still a little in the future. Mind if I post the rough draft here? I already asked for feedback from someone from the spacebattle forum and as expected, it always pays to have other people look over it.

Posted : 13/03/2020 6:17 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @wuolong77

Mind if I post the rough draft here? I already asked for feedback from someone from the spacebattle forum and as expected, it always pays to have other people look over it.

Of course, go right ahead.

Posted : 13/03/2020 2:18 pm
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