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Ask Us About Kiseki

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Falcom Romantic Admin
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Seeing how the original topic at the XSEED boards (all 5000+ posts of it) is about to vanish, time to start a new one. You all know the drill, all sorts of questions related to Kiseki can be asked here. Do try to mark for spoilers using the tag (the 'plus within the circle') where appropriate.

And now, I declare this reincarnation of the old topic open! xD

Posted : 28/02/2020 7:50 pm
Posts: 48
Just a cold piece of steel

I guess I'll start with one: Is there anything that hasn't been confirmed to happen in Hajimari yet that you would personally like to see in the game?


Also, testing to make sure I do this right:

Not actually a spoiler ...or is it???
Estelle may or may not be bald.


Real, spoiler this time:

Hajimari Spoilers
Personally, I'd like to see more Lechter, as he is one of my favorite characters and I feel like there can be more scenes for him.

Posted : 28/02/2020 8:05 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
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Posted by: @cold_steel_iv

I guess I'll start with one: Is there anything that hasn't been confirmed to happen in Hajimari yet that you would personally like to see in the game?

Real, spoiler this time:

Hajimari Spoilers
Personally, I'd like to see more Lechter, as he is one of my favorite characters and I feel like there can be more scenes for him.

I'm pretty certain we'll be getting that, especially as the character has a running plot thread independent of their main role in the recent games. For me, let's see...

Cold Steel 4
Given that we were cheated out of playable Arianrhod, having at least a short memory sequence where we can play as the Steel Saint would be awesome. On a similar note, properly playable Patrick would be really nice. He got a Brave Order and he got a Soldat battle so why not make it a trifecta?

I'd like for my suspicions about Barkhorn to be answered (and the fact that Gaius, Sara and Emma are seen in Nord is suggestive) but I wouldn't be surprised if we have to wait on that one.

But for me the biggest thing I'd like to see in Hajimari is the original appearance of Erebonia's Sept-Terrion since we know the titanic forms were things they assumed for the war but weren't their original appearances. At the same time, getting the explanation for their individual powers in-game would be nice since right now we have to either infer it from the end of CS4 or use Kondo's interview comments to confirm that Arche Rouge controlled souls while Lost Zem controlled bodies. Likewise the opportunity could let them explore the pre-Collapse forms of the two societies and how Ishmelga became what it did, assuming that's not something they're saving for later as well.

Posted : 01/03/2020 5:10 pm
Posts: 249

Speaking of Lechter, d'you reckon after everything we've learned about him, it's pretty much killed any chance of him being the Fourth Anguis? Actually, was it the Fourth who was active in Arteria during CS3? I guess that would answer that if so!

Also, it's a little disappointing they didn't say what the Fire and Earth Sept Terrions actually could do in 4. Lol you'd think between two giant games like 3&4 they could've managed that! Learning it through supplemental info is a bit of a let down. Ah well, as you say, maybe in Hajimari.


On unrelated matter, in Sky, Aidios is sometimes referred to as the Goddess of the Firmament and a person LPing the game pointed out that the term refers to something like a dome or barrier around the world. Now, I'm real curious if she was referred to as such in Japanese, because wowzers that's some foreshadowing if so.

Posted : 02/03/2020 1:02 am
Posts: 152

Yay, max thanks for making the forum, I hope we all love it like the old one and doesn't give you headaches managing it =P.

Regarding cs4

I hear you get glimpses of the Grandmaster. Does this mean you get some dialogue with her directly too (not necessarily as rean or a playable character, maybe just cutscenes like with campanella and lowe in SC early on)? Has these new revelations reinforced or shot out theories of her being Aidios, or neither at all due to lack of content?

Posted : 02/03/2020 2:28 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @ghaleon

Yay, max thanks for making the forum, I hope we all love it like the old one and doesn't give you headaches managing it =P.

Regarding cs4

I hear you get glimpses of the Grandmaster. Does this mean you get some dialogue with her directly too (not necessarily as rean or a playable character, maybe just cutscenes like with campanella and lowe in SC early on)? Has these new revelations reinforced or shot out theories of her being Aidios, or neither at all due to lack of content?

CS4 Ending
Yes, it's a cutscene in the Celestial Globe like in The 3rd and Ao, except that instead of the Grandmaster appearing as an amorphous blob of light (which is also how she appeared in Loewe Monogatari when she gave him the sword) she's seen in what we assume to be her true appearance. The first image released with the Hajimari announcement included her symbolically weaving the three strands of the story into one.

As for the theory, it doesn't confirm it and it doesn't refute it. There's some teasing between her appearance, attire and some later comments by Kondo that there might be a connection (direct or merely thematic) with the Mythos of Nayuta no Kiseki, not helped by another comment when we got the full map of Zemuria that the hitherto unknown islands south of Calvard are in the same configuration as the Scientia Sea from that game. There are some serious questions that would be raised if that's a direct connection however, so it's possible that was trollery like the island in the far east of Zemuria looking suspiciously like Japan if you crunched most of the main islands into a single mass.

Posted by: @jumpyjunpei

Speaking of Lechter, d'you reckon after everything we've learned about him, it's pretty much killed any chance of him being the Fourth Anguis? Actually, was it the Fourth who was active in Arteria during CS3? I guess that would answer that if so!

Also, it's a little disappointing they didn't say what the Fire and Earth Sept Terrions actually could do in 4. Lol you'd think between two giant games like 3&4 they could've managed that! Learning it through supplemental info is a bit of a let down. Ah well, as you say, maybe in Hajimari.


On unrelated matter, in Sky, Aidios is sometimes referred to as the Goddess of the Firmament and a person LPing the game pointed out that the term refers to something like a dome or barrier around the world. Now, I'm real curious if she was referred to as such in Japanese, because wowzers that's some foreshadowing if so.

CS3 actually killed the idea that Lechter was the Fourth Anguis very very dead, since Sharon gives us some background on them and the same game gave us Lechter's background; they don't mesh at all. The person who became the Fourth Anguis was a member of an assassin's guild called the Moonlight Horse which doesn't fit with Lechter's background as the son of a minor noble who would have been fifteen at the time that Ouroboros wiped out the guild.

As for Aidios, I believe that 'Goddess of the Firmament' was only used in the original PSP translation which had a couple of glaring inconsistencies that were later corrected in the Steam release. I'd have to check if that's one but I know it wasn't used in SC or The 3rd. It was definitely a bit of artistic license because in Japanese she's always referred to as 空の女神 which literally means 'Goddess of the Sky'. Which is kind of a shame because you're right, that would be really good foreshadowing if it had been intended as such.

Posted : 02/03/2020 4:24 am
Posts: 128
Posted by: @cold_steel_iv

I guess I'll start with one: Is there anything that hasn't been confirmed to happen in Hajimari yet that you would personally like to see in the game?

Ring of Judgement, Sky 3rd and misc
I would like to see Ein Selnate and get some glimpses of what she was doing in Erebonia throughout the Cold Steel Arc. The little tidbits we got in Sky 3rd and the Ring of Judgement manga were little more than appetizers to be honest. And Toval must be there, too, of course.


Posted : 02/03/2020 7:02 am
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter

@wuolong77 Did you catch the optional reference in CS3 and the unmissable ones in CS4? xD

The thought of Ein beating up robbers for giggles is an amusing one. And poor Toval getting stuck in a group of 'Three more monsters like Ein'. The reveal that she uses a temple sword was a nice little addition; we know she taught Ries how to use one but apparently she's really good with one. Makes me wonder if that saber she carries in artwork is actually a customized temple sword or if she's just skilled in multiple weapons like Arianrhod.

Which reminds me of something else that Hajimari could do but probably won't.

Ao/CS4 Endgame
Since Ao teased us that Ein could possibly beat Arianrhod in a fight, actually seeing it happen somehow in Hajimari would be a nice way to wrap that up instead of leaving it eternally hanging like things stand now. But since the two never met to our knowledge, I've no idea how you could set up an encounter like that short of recreating a second Phantasma or briefly bringing Arianrhod back later on through Sept-Terrion of Time shenanigans or other craziness.


Posted : 02/03/2020 11:23 pm
Posts: 128
Posted by: @yotaka

@wuolong77 Did you catch the optional reference in CS3 and the unmissable ones in CS4? xD

The thought of Ein beating up robbers for giggles is an amusing one. And poor Toval getting stuck in a group of 'Three more monsters like Ein'. The reveal that she uses a temple sword was a nice little addition; we know she taught Ries how to use one but apparently she's really good with one. Makes me wonder if that saber she carries in artwork is actually a customized temple sword or if she's just skilled in multiple weapons like Arianrhod.

I didn't catch the optional reference in CS3. As for CSIV...

Sky 3rd, CSIV
Poor Toby getting stucked between Aurelia, Vita and Victor...yeah that was indeed unmissable. As for Ein's weapon proficiencies, I think she's skilled in several, the Crossbow among them. I mean, Kevin also calls her instructor Selnate and all. I would actually like to see some artwork depicting her and Rufina back to back, both wielding templar sword and Crossbow in each hand.

Which reminds me of something else that Hajimari could do but probably won't.

Ao/CS4 Endgame
Since Ao teased us that Ein could possibly beat Arianrhod in a fight, actually seeing it happen somehow in Hajimari would be a nice way to wrap that up instead of leaving it eternally hanging like things stand now. But since the two never met to our knowledge, I've no idea how you could set up an encounter like that short of recreating a second Phantasma or briefly bringing Arianrhod back later on through Sept-Terrion of Time shenanigans or other craziness.

SC, 3rd, Ao, CS4
Arianrhod pretty much got the Loewe treatment. A nice member of Ouroboros, arguably the nicest. Ridiculously strong, arguably the strongest. Set up as that One Boss in Ao. Tragic backstory and basically predestined to join the heroes side only to die shortly after. So why not add another parallel? Like how she like Loewe meets a member of the Gralsritter during a job, clashes with her and afterwards come to a diplomatic understanding? I can easily see Ein take a page from Rufina's book. And us not knowing about a meeting is luckily not conclusive proof that it never happened.



Posted : 03/03/2020 3:41 pm
Posts: 12

Somewhat random question. Post CS3/4, would Erika's annoyance be regarding matters technological or personal?

Posted : 03/03/2020 6:24 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter

You're assuming it can't be both? 😋

Posted : 03/03/2020 7:01 pm
Posts: 12

The flavor of amusement is different. 😛

Posted : 04/03/2020 5:00 am
Posts: 14

First time posting on a forum (Lurked at Xseed), but I had a question regarding CS 2/3, thanks in advance!:

CS 2 endgame spoilers
So, I've heard that you need to do a NG+ play through of CS 2 before CS 3, is this just to read the Black Records or is there something more?

Do keep in mind that I haven't quite finished CS 2 yet.

CS 2 mid/endgame
I'm currently at the last spirit Shrine for the sword

Posted : 05/03/2020 4:16 pm
Posts: 395
Falcom Romantic Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @anastraykiwi

First time posting on a forum (Lurked at Xseed), but I had a question regarding CS 2/3, thanks in advance!:

CS 2 endgame spoilers
So, I've heard that you need to do a NG+ play through of CS 2 before CS 3, is this just to read the Black Records or is there something more?

Welcome! And yes, the reason that an NG+ run of CS2 is recommended is exactly that.

The only other change is the addition of an uberboss which has not been treated as canon, unlike the existence of the Black Records and the fact that Rean has read them.
Because CS3 slightly retcons the relevant events and provides copies of the documents for you to read, you can technically skip doing a replay and the game will fill you in, but you won't have the knowledge from the start of the game and that helps to place things in context. There's also some things related to that NG+ quest that are better understood if you see then firsthand, since CS3 implicitly assumes that the player did do the quest in its entirety.

Of course if you're not feeling up to a replay for whatever reason, there's a good video floating around YouTube that captures everything.

Posted : 05/03/2020 10:42 pm
Posts: 14


Okay, thanks! I have been contemplating doing CS I and II again before I play CS III (Yay PC release!).


Posted : 06/03/2020 1:01 am
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